In this article learn when it’s best to use a shower base or a tile shower floor. For nationwide wall panel supply call 877-668-5888. For a bathroom, shower, or tub to shower remodel in Cleveland or Akron call 216-658-1270.
Learn 13 hot bathroom trends for a stylish, safe, and simple bathroom on a budget. For nationwide product supply call 877-668-5888 or for a bathroom remodel in Cleveland or Akron call 216-658-1270.
In part 1 of this 3 part series, learn 15 reasons why an embarrassed bathroom blogger – Mike Foti – and his wife decided to (finally) remodel their master bathroom after 27 years. For nationwide wholesale direct bathroom product pricing call 877-668-5888 or for a bath remodel in Cleveland or Akron call 216-658-1280.
Learn the pros and cons of a bathtub to shower conversion. For wholesale direct pricing call 877-668-5888 or for a bathtub to shower conversion in Cleveland or Akron call 216-658-1280.
Learn why buying a cheap vanity from a home center store is not a smart decision. For design assistance or nationwide supply call Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888 or for a Cleveland bathtub replacement contractor call 216-531-6085.
Learn how to overcome 13 glass shower door problems. For assistance with choosing the right glass shower door or nationwide wholesale supply call Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888 or for a Cleveland bath remodeling contractor call 216-531-6085.
See how a Florida couple simplified a DIY contemporary master bathroom remodel featuring a glass block shower. For design insights and factory-direct supply of prefabricated glass block shower systems, call Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888.
Learn 13 ideas for a fashionable, functional, and affordable small bathroom remodel. For design assistance or nationwide supply call Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888 or for a Cleveland bath remodeling contractor call 216-531-6085.
Learn 10 practical ideas to reduce the time and cost to remodel a bathroom. For design assistance or nationwide supply call Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888 or for a Cleveland shower remodeling contractor call 216-531-6085.
Learn 10 little known ideas to take the ugly (or institutional) out of an accessible shower or bathroom remodel. For design assistance or nationwide supply of age in place products call Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888 or for a Cleveland bathtub remodeling contractor call 216-531-6085.