News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block

Tag: shower wall surrounds

Opening Image - How to Help Mom & Dad get a Safe Shower - Innovate Building Solutions, Walk In Shower, Age In Place Bathrooms, Shower Replacement Kit, Bathroom Shower Projects

How to help mom and dad get a safe shower

Maybe it’s your New Year’s resolution—or simply a must-do task you can’t put off any longer. You’ve decided it’s time to help mom and dad—or yourself—upgrade from an old bathtub to a safe, accessible roll-in or walk-in shower. This decision could be one of the smartest aging-in-place home improvements... Continue reading

Opening Image - What is a Shower Wall Surround and how to NOT Screw up Buying One - Innovate Building Solutions, Shower Wall Panels, Bathroom Renovation Ideas, Shower Remodeling Project, DIY Bathroom Showers

What is a Shower Wall Surround and how to NOT Screw up Buying One!

I’m so proud that with all of my advanced degrees (and the big-bucks it took to get them) I’m NOW smart enough to give a definition of what a shower wall surround is. And if you’re ready for it, here it comes…. A shower wall surround are the walls which surround a shower. Ok, right now – I KNOW you’re... Continue reading

Opening Image - What Size Shower Replacement Kit do I Need (with 10 FAQ’s to get the Most for Your Budget) - Innovate Building Solutions, Shower Kit Facts, Bathroom Shower Projects, DIY Bathroom Improvement, Modern Shower Designs

What Size Shower Replacement Kit do I Need? (with 10 FAQ’s to get the Most for Your Budget)

You don’t buy a shower replacement kit every day. In fact, I’ll bet most people reading this article have never bought one before. So, given this reality – and the fact I (and my team) have been asked thousands of times by homeowners and contractors alike what size shower replacement kit they need,... Continue reading

The pros and cons of a clear glass shower door vs. an obscure glass shower door | innovate building solutions | bathroom remodel | home design ideas | Bathroom Tips

The pros and cons of a clear glass shower door vs. an obscure glass shower door

Mary complained to me, “Mike, why is selecting a glass shower door so doggone difficult? I thought I was FINALLY done making bath renovation decisions, then I’m confused AGAIN deciding between a clear glass shower door and an obscure one.” I wish I could tell you Mary was the only one who gets ‘decision-fatigue’... Continue reading

What’s the best material to use on shower walls A comprehensive guide… with recommendations | Innovate Building Solutions | bathroom remodeling ideas | Shower design Ideas | Bathroom Wall Panels

What’s the best material to use on shower walls? A comprehensive guide… with recommendations.

When I’m asked, “Mike, what’s the best material to use on shower walls (or tub walls for that matter), I’ll say…”  “Shower wall materials are like people – they all have their own strengths and weaknesses.” And while this statement is true, I know it DOES NOT help you pick what’s best for your... Continue reading

How to order a walk in glass block shower system

I don’t mean to be Bob Braggadocios, Ernie Egomaniac, or Ned KnowItAll but I’ll bet our company has helped more homeowners, contractors, and builders with glass block walk in shower systems since our business was founded by my Dad in 1977 than any other company in the United States. And I’m not telling... Continue reading

How to Get a Wholesale Price on a Shower System | innovate building solutions | bathroom remodeling | shower wall panel systems

How to Get a Wholesale Price on a Shower System

It seemed like a simple enough question from Corrina (one of my blog readers). She asked, “Mike, how can I get a wholesale price on a shower system?” And while it IS a simple question, you can waste a LOT of time if you (as a homeowner) don’t know what you want/need and don’t ask the right questions... Continue reading

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