News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block

Tag: shower accessories

Opening Image - How to Save Money on a Tub to Shower Conversion by Using a Shower Consultant... For FREE - Innovate Building Solutions, Bathroom Shower Remodeling, Custom Walk In Showers, Modern Shower Concepts, Beautiful Bathroom Renovations

How to save money on a tub to shower conversion by using a shower consultant…for FREE!

If remodeling your bathroom is blowing your mind, you’re not alone. Every company wholesaling bathroom products, or contractor looking to install your tub to shower conversion, is desperately trying to convince you their solution is the ONE AND ONLY correct choice for you. And make no mistake about... Continue reading

Opening Image - What are the Biggest Complaints About Shower Accessories – and how to Make Sure They Don’t Become YOUR Problem Ever Again! - Innovate Building Solutions, Bathroom Remodeling Accessories, Bathroom Shower Design, Shower Renovation Concepts, Home Improvement Projects

What are the biggest complaints about shower accessories – and how to make sure they don’t become YOUR problem ever again!

Shower accessories are often an overlooked and poorest performing part of a shower system. And when people realize their accessories are a pain in the rear, it’s usually too late to make changes (unless you call buying cheap plastic ‘add-ons’ from the Dollar store a solution!). So, if you’re remodeling... Continue reading

Opening Image - What Size Shower Replacement Kit do I Need (with 10 FAQ’s to get the Most for Your Budget) - Innovate Building Solutions, Shower Kit Facts, Bathroom Shower Projects, DIY Bathroom Improvement, Modern Shower Designs

What Size Shower Replacement Kit do I Need? (with 10 FAQ’s to get the Most for Your Budget)

You don’t buy a shower replacement kit every day. In fact, I’ll bet most people reading this article have never bought one before. So, given this reality – and the fact I (and my team) have been asked thousands of times by homeowners and contractors alike what size shower replacement kit they need,... Continue reading

The pros and cons of a clear glass shower door vs. an obscure glass shower door | innovate building solutions | bathroom remodel | home design ideas | Bathroom Tips

The pros and cons of a clear glass shower door vs. an obscure glass shower door

Mary complained to me, “Mike, why is selecting a glass shower door so doggone difficult? I thought I was FINALLY done making bath renovation decisions, then I’m confused AGAIN deciding between a clear glass shower door and an obscure one.” I wish I could tell you Mary was the only one who gets ‘decision-fatigue’... Continue reading

Is a tub to shower conversion a good idea 13 reasons it is, 5 reasons it isn’t. | innovate Building Solutions | bathroom remodel | tub to shower conversion | Shower remodel | Walk in shower design

Is a tub to shower conversion a good idea? 13 reasons it is, 5 reasons it isn’t.

Are you debating whether to convert your bathtub into a shower? And whether you’re looking to ‘age in place’ (yes this is a term I HATE – it sounds more like ‘decay in place’ to me, but that’s another story), or simply never use your tub and want an easier to use shower, there’s A LOT of debate whether... Continue reading

Pinterest - Are shower kits worth it | Innovate Building Solutions | bathroom remodel | shower design ideas | DIY shower kits | Are shower kits expensive

Are shower kits worth it?

You don’t buy a shower everyday…unless you’re a purchasing agent for bathroom remodeling company. And if you’re debating between a premade shower kit and a tile shower there’s A LOT of details to wrap your head around. For most people (who aren’t industry professionals) this decision is more complex... Continue reading

Shower Accessory Trends – What’s in and what’s out | Innovate Building Solutions | Cleveland Remodeling | Bathroom Accessories | Shower Design Ideas | Bathroom Accessories for small shower

Shower Accessory Trends – What’s in and what’s out?

Just like a dress is not complete without the right shoes and handbag, so a shower is not complete without the right shower accessories. Shower accessories which function poorly, look cheap, or are out of style will put a black eye on your new bathroom. So, if you’re wondering what’s hot, and what’s... Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of a Tub to Shower Conversion.

I swear –tub to shower conversion projects are growing faster than new assisted living facilities being built in my town– and even faster than younger people are using AI (artificial intelligence) art applications to create (unblemished) pictures of themselves they’re posting on Instagram.  And while... Continue reading

How to Get a Wholesale Price on a Shower System | innovate building solutions | bathroom remodeling | shower wall panel systems

How to Get a Wholesale Price on a Shower System

It seemed like a simple enough question from Corrina (one of my blog readers). She asked, “Mike, how can I get a wholesale price on a shower system?” And while it IS a simple question, you can waste a LOT of time if you (as a homeowner) don’t know what you want/need and don’t ask the right questions... Continue reading