News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block

Tag: tile shower alternatives

Pinterest image 9 smart alternative shower walls to ceramic tile laminate | Innovate Building Solutions | #Showerbase #ShowerWallpanels #bathroomRemodel #TileShower

9 Smart Alternatives to a Ceramic Tile Shower Which Won’t Make You Say…. YUCK!

I know many of you are frustrated with your ceramic tile showers. You’re DESPERATELY seeking alternatives. You’ve ‘had it up to here’ (as my Mom used to say when she was mad at us) with moldy, dirty, hard-to-clean tile grout joints. However, even though you hate your tile shower, you’re NOT OK replacing... Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of a Ceramic Tile Shower (and better options if you’ve had it up to here with tile).

Tile showers are controversial. OK, maybe not as controversial as picking a United States President, but I’ve seen their pros and cons cause knock-down drag, out fights between couples during a bathroom remodeling job. They’ll debate (that’s another word for argue) if it makes more sense to get a... Continue reading

Rookie mistakes diyers make remodeling a shower | Innovate Building Solutions | #DIYShower #RemodelingShower #BathroomRemodel

5 1/2 Rookie Mistakes DIY’ers Make Remodeling a Shower (and how to prevent them from happening to you)

The saga of a DIY shower remodeling job gone wrong It sounded like a good idea in the beginning. You were determined to save money. Everyone knows you’re a bit frugal (OK – if we’re being downright real, you’re more than a bit cheap – saving money is practically religion for you). So, you took on... Continue reading