A unique glass block walk in shower adds style and function to a Columbus model home

Standing out in the new home market can be tough – that’s why Truberry Custom Homes was looking for a unique edge when building their Jerome Village model in the Plain City suburb of Columbus Ohio. Two rooms which are critically important to new home buyers are kitchens and master bathrooms. Learn below 5 key design and construction features used in the curved glass block shower Truberry decided to use in their new model home.
Design and function are truly joined at the hip. Let’s explore 5 design and construction features used in this unique curved walk in shower done by the Columbus Glass Block division of Innovate Building Solutions:
• Feature #1 – A curved wall layout – A curved glass block wall not only looks good but it has the dual purpose of moving water back to the drain so there is no need for a shower door. New home buyers love this idea because they can eliminate the time and hassle of having to clean a shower door!
• Feature #2 – Combining obscure (wave) and see-through (clear) glass blocks – While it is nice to have obscure glass for privacy, it’s also nice to be able to see through the shower wall as well. So why not have both? In this shower the obscure blocks where used from the neck down areas – while a clear glass was used to be able to see through to the bathroom near the top of the wall – very cool!
• Feature #3 – Using curved (radial) glass blocks to have small and consistent grout joints – In the old days a curved glass block wall had to use thinner joints on the inside and very wide joints on the outside (since the only units available were square or rectangular in shape). With today’s “radial” block the unit is tapered and curved so the inside of the shower and the outside of the shower have consistent joints which are only 1/8” in size.
• Feature #4 – Protect-all prefabricated glass block sections – Protecting against mold and minimizing the cleaning of grout joints is important for time-starved and health conscious homeowners. This project used a unique system of prefabricated sections which are pre-made with vinyl supports both vertically and horizontally through the blocks so in the center of the glass blocks there is no mortar to collect mold. In addition the 1/8” grout joints are small to lessen the cleaning effort.
• Feature #5 – A graceful curved end – To polish off the shower a rounded bullnose glass block end was used which is both stylish and easy to clean – an excellent finishing touch!
If you want see the unique glass block shower (and lovely model home) feel free to contact Russ Williamson or Melissa McCauley of Truberry Custom Homes at 614-890-5588. If you’re not in the market for a new home but may want to consider a glass block shower for a remodeled space contact Mike Foti at the Columbus Glass Block division of Innovate Building Solutions at 614-252-5888 or for nationwide wholesale supply at 877-668-5888.