How to make a 45 degree angle with a glass block wall

Whether designing a shower, partition wall or a counter or bar the ability to create a sharp or gently curved 45 degree angled glass block wall can make a dramatic impact on a home or commercial space. In the article below learn 3 steps to guide you through a 45 degree angle glass block wall project – from choosing the right glass blocks to steps to simplify the installation process and add decorative elements and lighting.
Step 1 – Selecting the right glass block– There are two product choices to make an angled wall (1) use a sharp angled block from Pittsburgh Corning called “Tridron” or (2) use a graceful curved block from Mulia Inc. called “Radial.” Let’s explore both.
The Tridron block by Pittsburgh Corning is a pie-shaped unit with a small 1 ¼” inside and a 4 ½” outside angled exterior face. This block makes it possible to create a NEO angled glass block shower or even a glass block bar for a basement. This unit comes in a wavy “Decora” or a high privacy “Icescapes” patterns in a 3 7/8” thickness.
If you like the look of a graceful curve the “radial” shaped block manufactured by Mulia Inc. is best. This unit makes a beautifully rounded design (both on the inside and outside faces of the wall) which is the preferred choice in doorless walk in showers and architectural walls.
To turn a 45 degree angle in a shower space you will generally want to have a minimum shower depth of 40”. This block comes in a “wave” (obscure) and “clear” (see-through) patterns in a 3 1/8” thickness. The thinner 3 1/8” blocks are generally preferred because they are lighter, more cost effective, and easier to work than the thicker blocks.
Step 2 – Improving and simplifying the installation with Protect All fabricated wall sections – A glass block wall is of no value unless it is installed correctly and provides a professional finished look. The old installation process of laying the blocks unit by unit with mortar is a tedious, messy approach which requires a higher skill level not usually suited to a do it yourself consumer or a contractor who occasionally does this type of project. In addition the old process will have finished mortar joints of ¼” or larger (most people prefer smaller mortar joints to reduce maintenance).
To simplify, improve the finished results, reduce the grout sizes and cut the project completion time install with Protect All prefabricated wall sections. This system uses pre-assembled sections with vinyl spacers set vertically and horizontally through the wall and is anchored for stability. With this approach someone does not have to be an experienced mason contractor to do a professional quality sharp angle or gently curved glass block wall (and the grout joints are only 1/8” thick).
Step 3 – Using lighting and decorative blocks for impact –A clear glass block wall for a shower, bar or commercial building is nice – but one with multi-colored LED lighting or decorative glass blocks takes the project to a whole new level. Glass blocks can be personalized with colored blocks, glass tile blocks, decorative metal pieces adhered to the surface or even LED lighting placed through the courses – taking the wall from nice to wow.
Do you have any additional questions or need an estimate on a 45 degree glass block wall? Comment or call the numberd below.
Call Innovate Building Solutions on a nationwide basis (877-668-5888) or for a local project their divisions – Columbus Glass Block (614-252-5888), Cleveland Glass Block (216-531-6363), West Side Glass Block (216-398-1020) or Mid America Glass Block in Akron (330-633-2900).