The pros and cons of a clear glass shower door vs. an obscure glass shower door

Mary complained to me, “Mike, why is selecting a glass shower door so doggone difficult? I thought I was FINALLY done making bath renovation decisions, then I’m confused AGAIN deciding between a clear glass shower door and an obscure one.”
I wish I could tell you Mary was the only one who gets ‘decision-fatigue’ in the bathroom remodeling process. However, she’s the ‘rule, not the exception.’
There’s a plethora (it’s a fancy word for A LOT to get you to think I’m smart. Is it working?) of decisions. And while on the surface the clarity of a glass shower door doesn’t appear to be any big thing – it CAN be a big thing IF you’re paying for the door, or you need a door ASAP, or you want a safer bathroom, or you’re the one ‘elected’ to clean the door.
To help you get your arms around this decision in section 1 I’ll list the pros of clear glass shower doors,’ and in section 2, the cons of these shower doors.
At the end let me know if you’re voting (and I’m promising ZERO election interference in this door election process!) for a clear shower door, an obscure door, or if you’d like more input from a glass shower door professional (and I just happen to know a few of them) before placing your ballot (or order). Let’s dig into section 1.
Section #1 – The pros of a clear glass shower door over an obscure glass shower door
Pro #1 – Clear glass shower doors cost less than obscure doors
OK – I know most of you reading this are independently wealthy, and price is no object – but for the few of you who do care about price it’s nice to know clear glass shower doors cost less than frosted (or obscure) glass doors.
They’re made in higher volumes. They’re more popular. Their simplicity keeps costs down.
Pro #2 – Clear glass shower doors are available from stock. Obscure – or frosted glass doors often need to be special ordered.
If you – or your bath remodeling contractor – hasn’t planned ahead and you just came to the realization ‘we need a shower door – like YES-TER-DAY,’ you’re not alone.
And the good news is if you want a standard clear glass shower door you can get one from stock.
As a matter of fact – I wholesale glass shower doors and my supplier has a 6” wide catalogue with clear glass shower doors. Most are available for immediate delivery.
So – if you need a door yesterday – clear glass will (likely) be the way to go.
Pro #3 – Clear glass shower doors allow you to see unique tiles, shower wall surrounds, or fixtures.
A lot of money can be invested in not only functional – but also fun shower wall surrounds, fixtures, and shower accessories. When you buy a clear glass shower door, you’ll see these unique elements.
When you use frosted, etched, or high privacy glass – you won’t.
Do you want to make a ‘splash’ (yes – bad shower pun intended) by seeing the inside of your shower? If so, don’t block it with obscure glass door.
Pro #4 – Clear glass shower doors give you a safer, brighter shower. This is smart for an age in place bathroom.
A dark shower IS NOT an inviting shower.
And in most bathrooms there’s not enough light to begin with.
And when you use frosted glass shower doors you make matters even worse!
However, with a clear glass shower door – you’ll see better in the shower. This is an important factor if you’re designing an age in place or accessible shower for your parents or an eyesight-impaired family member.
And if you want to make your shower really ‘crystal clear’ – consider low-iron glass shower doors.
Pro #5 – Clear glass shower doors allow even a small bathroom to look bigger
For most people bathrooms don’t ‘live’ or look as big as you’d like. And while lining your bathroom in mirrors would be a way to (at least visually) enhance the size of the room – I’m not sure any of us (unless you have the most amazing BOD known to man (or woman), would like that ‘visual.’
However, a way (sans mirrors) to accomplish this objective is to make the bathroom feel as one continuous space using see-through glass shower doors.
Pro #6 – Clear glass shower doors are more contemporary
Contemporary bathrooms are the trend today. And clear glass shower doors and enclosure systems are synonymous with contemporary bathrooms.
If you want a traditional bathroom, go with frosted glass shower doors.
So, now that we’ve looked at the pros of clear glass shower doors, let’s turn our attention in section 2 to the ‘cons’ of these doors.
Section #2 – The cons of a clear glass shower door vs. an obscure glass shower door
Con #1 – Clear glass shower doors show too many spots
If you’re a tad on the O.C.D. side – water spots can drive you up the (shower) wall!
And with clear glass you’re more likely to see spots than choosing an obscure glass pattern like rain glass.
To minimize spotting – obscure glass is the way to go.
Con #2 – Clear glass shower doors show off your bod, and this may NOT be what you have in mind.
I’ll admit it’s embarrassing my wife Rose is always checking out my ‘1 ½’ pack (‘er, maybe I meant to say 6 pack abs). And while in my dreams I have that 6 pack, if the truth be told I’m far away from hitting that mark.
And if you’re like me – and you’re not going to be working as a ‘body-double’ for Matthew McConaughey or Beyonce any time soon, maybe you’d prefer privacy glass doors. This way everyone won’t see your ‘ASS-ETS’ when they barge into your bathroom.
For a more private shower – obscure glass is an intelligent choice.
Con #3 – Clear glass shower doors are a P.I.A. to clean
If you’re the one in your family (by process of elimination) who is ‘elected’ to clean the shower (and glass shower door) and know it’s not a fun task, you’ll want to do everything in your power to minimize the time it takes you to get this job done.
So, you may choose grout free shower surround walls and stone shower pans as your first ‘defense’ against the time-consuming cleaning process. Next you may want to install a stainless steel niche or solid surface shelves to simplify cleaning.
But then you come to your shower door – and the clear glass which usually comes with it. If you want to simplify cleaning – another maintenance-minimizing idea is to select obscure glass or build a unique prefabricated glass block shower.
Or if you want to get rid of cleaning all together –hire a cleaning person or cajole your spouse or ‘significant utter’ to ‘assume the position’ and the job (OK, good luck with that!).
So, what are you going to ‘vote’ for … a clear or obscure glass shower door?
Now that you’ve heard the ‘evidence’ (‘er pros and cons of a clear glass shower) – which is best for you? Are you still unsure?
To learn more about clear (or obscure) glass shower doors and to get wholesale pricing or technical input, contact a bathroom design specialist at Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888 or get a Free Design Consultation or referral to one of the dealers in our network.
Thanks for reading– and ‘making it through’ my humor in the process. If you want more advice (and more wacky humor) follow me on LinkedIn @MikeFotiLinkedIn.
Mike Foti
Linda – good points. Cleaning is simpler with obscure glass or glass blocks. The biggest challenge generally with clear glass is they’re not as readily available from stock and cost more – Mike
Linda Leimbach
2 vacation rentals with 2 showers each. One home has clear glass, the other has obscured (dimpled/textured). I am the cleaning person and much much prefer the obscured glass because water spots make me nuts. Obscure is a lot faster and more fun to clean. Have strong lighting in the bathrooms and go with obscure. My house has 2 walk-in glass block showers, so I guess I’ve covered all the bases! Just wiping down the glass with a towel would solve the problem, but who is going to enforce that ?