News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block

Tag: shower replacement kit

Opening Image - 17 Frequently Asked Questions about Shower Replacement Kits you Need to Know so you DON’T WASTE MONEY! - Innovate Building Solutions, Shower Wall Panels, Bathroom Remodeling Projects, DIY Bathroom Showers, Dream Shower Designs

17 Frequently Asked Questions about Shower Replacement Kits you Need to Know so you DON’T WASTE MONEY!

Like so many decisions in life, with shower replacement kits, the more research you do, the more questions you uncover. And you need someone who is NOT a high pressure in-home sales rep looking to close the shower installation sale tonight, or a ‘wet-behind-the-ears’ clerk at a big-box home improvement... Continue reading

Opening Image - How to Save Money on a Tub to Shower Conversion by Using a Shower Consultant... For FREE - Innovate Building Solutions, Bathroom Shower Remodeling, Custom Walk In Showers, Modern Shower Concepts, Beautiful Bathroom Renovations

How to save money on a tub to shower conversion by using a shower consultant…for FREE!

If remodeling your bathroom is blowing your mind, you’re not alone. Every company wholesaling bathroom products, or contractor looking to install your tub to shower conversion, is desperately trying to convince you their solution is the ONE AND ONLY correct choice for you. And make no mistake about... Continue reading

Opening Image - What is the least expensive way to redo a shower (and NOT end up with a pile of junk a couple of years later) - Innovate Building Solutions, Bathroom Renovation Ideas, New Shower Concepts, Shower Remodeling Projects, Frameless Shower Doors

What is the least expensive way to redo a shower (and NOT end up with a pile of junk a couple of years later)?

So, nobody’s EVER called you a ‘robber baron’ or a ‘titan of industry!’ And if the terms affluent, wealthy, well to do, or well-heeled (and no, I’m NOT talking about the heel attached to your foot) have never been used to describe you, you’re like most Americans. Money IS NOT falling off trees onto... Continue reading

Opening Image - What Size Shower Replacement Kit do I Need (with 10 FAQ’s to get the Most for Your Budget) - Innovate Building Solutions, Shower Kit Facts, Bathroom Shower Projects, DIY Bathroom Improvement, Modern Shower Designs

What Size Shower Replacement Kit do I Need? (with 10 FAQ’s to get the Most for Your Budget)

You don’t buy a shower replacement kit every day. In fact, I’ll bet most people reading this article have never bought one before. So, given this reality – and the fact I (and my team) have been asked thousands of times by homeowners and contractors alike what size shower replacement kit they need,... Continue reading

How to Choose the Best Shower Replacement Kit in 5 Steps | bathroom remodeling | Cleveland Bathroom Design | How to DIY Shower Remodel | Home Improvement Ideas

How to Choose the Best Shower Replacement Kit in 5 Steps

Finding the best shower replacement kit can be a pain in the ‘you know what!’ There – I said it for you. It sounded like a simple project until you dug into the details. Then you started asking: How do I know this shower replacement kit will give me the best value for my money and not break down... Continue reading

OPENING IMAGE - 13 Smart Ideas for a Fashionable, Functional and Affordable Small Bathroom Remodel | Bathroom Design ideas | Home Remodeling | Bathroom Remodel DIY

13 Smart Ideas for a Fashionable, Functional, and Affordable Small Bathroom Remodel

If only you had the space (and budget) to mimic the laid-out bathroom designs you see in fancy interior design magazines (or in celebrity bathroom pictures on Pinterest or Instagram). If this was the case, you’d have room for a large freestanding tub and a humongous walk in shower. You’d get a double... Continue reading

PINTEREST How to save time (and cost) to remodel a bathroom | Cleveland Ohio Bathroom Remodel | Bathroom Remodeling companies in northeast ohio

How to save time (and cost) to remodel a bathroom

They (whoever ‘they’ are) say, “time is money.” And this statement has never been truer than it is today if you’re remodeling a bathroom. With contractors being more difficult to find (and more expensive), if you’re not thinking about bathroom remodeling labor costs as you’re choosing products and... Continue reading

The Easiest Way to Remodel Your Shower | Cleveland Ohio | Bathroom Remodel in Cleveland ohio | Akron Bathroom designs | DIY bathroom remodel

The Easiest Way to Remodel Your Shower

You’ve heard about shower remodeling projects which have become a cesspool of wasted money and taken f-o-r-e-v-e-r to finish. You’ve read about shower design mistakes people have had to put up with for years to come. And perhaps you’ve experienced a shower base, shower wall or exploding glass shower... Continue reading

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