I’ll tell you right off the bat my company started in the shower and tub wall surround business 15 years ago selling acrylic wall surrounds and tub liners. However today we sell them once in a blue moon (OK – I’ve got to admit I’ve never actually seen a blue moon – but if I had to guess if you see...
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While I’m no philosopher, I get a chuckle from this quote from 15th century philosopher Michel de Montaigne who said…
“My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened.”
You’ve heard the age-old saying 90% of what you worry about never comes true. However, this still...
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When you saw the ‘kids’ hall bathroom while visiting the model home in your last neighborhood it looked so nice. The décor was perfect. Everything was fresh and new.
Then the inevitable happened…
Your boys started using the bathroom!
Over the years the fiberglass tub/shower became yellowed with dirt...
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Updated March 23, 2019
You’re fed-up cleaning black, moldy, nasty tile grout joints with your waaaay-too-worn scrub brush. You’re looking to eliminate this hassle once and for all with bathroom wall panels. You start your search with great expectations. You get on the Internet. You go to your...
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Acrylic window trim around a glass block window
Updated January 27, 2019
Isn’t the window in your shower a pain in the butt? I bet you’ve asked yourself on more than one occasion, “why the heck did a builder put a see-through window smack dab in the middle of our shower? Was the guy who built...
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