Vinyl Framed Glass Block Windows are not all created equal

At first glance all vinyl framed glass block windows may look the same – but do not be fooled – it is often the details you may not notice that will make the difference in having a window that performs best in the long run. In the article below you’ll learn more about the advantages of a vinyl frame privacy window that is assembled with a vinyl stacking system.
What is a vinyl framed glass block window assembled with the vinyl stack system? This window has the glass block enclosed in a vinyl frame with an integral nailing fin to make it easier to install in a new construction or remodeling project where the size of the opening can be pre-determined. The vinyl stack assembly process uses vinyl pieces both horizontally and vertically through the coursing of blocks.
Advantages of this system vs. competitive products
While many vinyl framed glass block windows may look alike the following are advantages that will make this specific system perform (both functionally and cosmetically) at a higher level:
- Vinyl stack material used through the window assembly will provide these benefits:
- Improved energy efficiency vs. a window that is only siliconed or mortared together.
- Better strength – this product has been rated to have greater than a 400 lb. impact resistance. The stronger window assembly process creates the ability to make larger window assemblies.
- Improve water resistance – the vinyl members and specifically designed silicone provides a superior barrier vs. water infiltration. This can be especially important in bathroom windows.
- Increased wind load resistance – this can be a large benefit in areas of the country that have problems with hurricanes or extreme amounts of wind.
- Weep holes for water removal are hidden from view – some vinyl framed glass block window system will put the weep holes where they are visible to the eye – this system uses weep holes on the underneath side of the frame.
- Smaller clear silicone joints that allow for expansion & contraction and almost appear invisible – using 1/8” silicone joints between the blocks which is created by the vinyl stack system creates an “all glass look” while still providing space for expansion and contraction.
- Available in multiple colors, designs or with decorative tiles – You don’t need to settle for a boring design for a glass block privacy window. With over 104 different colored and frosted glass blocks, different size availabilities and even decorative tile blocks you can create a one of kind design.
- Easy to install – equipped either with or without nailing fins it’s as easy to install this glass block window as it is any other type of vinyl replacement window.
Do you have any additional questions or comments about this type of window. If so – please comment below.
To learn more about vinyl framed glass block windows or get a free estimate or quote visit or call Innovate Building Solutions on a nationwide basis (877-668-5888) or for a local project their divisions including Columbus Glass Block (614-252-5888), Cleveland Glass Block (216-531-6363) or Mid America Glass Block (513-742-5900) of Cincinnati or Dayton.