Glass Floors – Cool or Creepy? 9 Factors to Consider

When you’ve looked at a luxury home or architectural magazines and seen a glass floor or glass bridge has you’re reaction been “ooh – that’s cool” or “ooh – that’s creepy?” Glass floors tend to get a strong reaction…one way or the other. In the article below learn 9 factors which make glass floors cool or creepy (and how to eliminate some of these scary elements).
What makes a glass floor cool……and useful
There is nothing quite like seeing a glass floor – it seems to pop out of it’s surrounding environment and command attention. While being unique – some of the following factors and benefits make the product useful as well as being a stunning design feature.
• Factor 1 – Transmits natural light – Light movement not only helps to improve people’s moods but it can also be a catalyst for productivity improvement in an office environment.
• Factor 2 – An artistic touch – Glass floors are not to be overlooked. They are a wow feature in a high end home, commercial office building, retail store or restaurant.

• Factor 3 – Visually connect one space to another – It’s fun and interesting to look up through a glass wall to a rooftop garden or to look down and see a wine cellar or water feature.
• Factor 4 – Make it easier to sell or lease space – It’s an uphill battle to sell or lease a piece of real estate which is dark and dingy. Glass floors can create an open feeling by moving light from a window or skylight above.
• Factor 5 – Illuminating a floor – Lighting can be put under the glass floor panels for a dramatic effect.
What makes a glass floor creepy….and what you can do about it
The dark side of glass floors is they can cause fears to bubble to the surface. Consider these questions – Is the floor safe? Does it provide the desired privacy (modesty) for people walking above? Is it slippery? Will it crack? Below we’ll look at these concerns and selection factors and explore product, design, and engineering solutions to minimize these fears.
• Factor 6 – Will the floor break? With the invention of 1” solid tempered and laminated glass systems (which can include sturdy aluminum and steel supports) these floors are designed to hold up in homes, businesses or retail stores.

• Factor 7 – Can someone look up my skirt? With a clear floor this can certainly happen – but with a translucent, obscure glass floor there will not be a personal privacy concern.

• Factor 8 – Will I slip and fall? There are UL approved anti-skid surfaces (one system uses glass frit which is bonded to the surface of the glass) which provide safety but don’t eliminate the benefits of a transparent or translucent flooring system.
• Factor 9 – I’m afraid of heights and don’t want to walk over a clear surface! In this case a transparent glass floor system is not for you – but an obscure floor will allow light movement while still feeling like a solid walking surface.
Now that you’re armed with these 9 factors do you think glass floors are cool or creepy? Please comment below.
To learn more about structural glass floors or glass bridges or get a free estimate call Innovate Building Solutions on a nationwide basis (877-668-5888) or for a local project their divisions including Columbus Glass Block (614-252-5888), Cleveland Glass Block (216-531-6363), West Side Glass Block (216-398-1020) or Mid America Glass Block (513-742-5900) of Cincinnati or Dayton and Akron (330-633-2900).