9 Reasons You Shouldn’t Build a Tile Shower

Updated January 28, 2023
OK – I’m not writing this to take down the tile industry, and I’m certainly not arrogant enough to think this post has that kind of power.
However, I’ve been on the receiving end of countless homeowners (and even bathroom remodeling contractors) calls who are ‘sick and tired’ (as my Mom used to say) of problems with tile showers. They’re desperately looking for better solutions.
Admittedly, a tile shower can look beautiful once its finally completed. However, how long will it hold up? Will it be a pain to maintain? Will you be protected by a warranty if the shower pan or walls leak?
When it comes to those looking for a richer-looking showers tile is the A#1 top choice… but should it be? And even if you’re sold on tile, are there installation approaches and materials you should use to get a better finished product which lasts longer?
In this article I’ll focus on frustrations surrounding tile showers, and alternatives you need to research if you hate grout (which is the evil-stepbrother or stepsister to tile). I’ll also provide examples of better performing products to use instead of tile (or improved products to use with tile, is you’re set this is the way for you to go).
Let’s check out the 9 reasons you shouldn’t build a tile shower.
Reason #1 to not build a tile shower. They have grout joints…and grout joints can lead to mold
Grout is the necessary evil of a tile job…but its still evil. Grout by its nature has cement. Cement is porous. Water which gets trapped behind tile walls is a bad. Water happens ALL THE TIME in showers (OK – you can call me ‘Captain Obvious’ now).
While you may have a waterproof or partially waterproof backer board (in the case of cement board) behind the wall, these ‘behind the wall surface’ materials aren’t stopping water from penetrating. Trapped water can lead to the dreaded ‘M’ word (‘er that would be mold). You can substitute standard sanded grout for a urethane or epoxy grout, but they still aren’t 100% guaranteed to prevent moisture from getting behind tiles.
If you want the real look of tile and grout without ANY GROUT JOINTS TO MAINTAIN, the best solution is to stop moisture (‘er water) dead in its tracks on the surface BEFORE it gets behind the wall. The way to accomplish this is with…
Laminate wall panels
These 2’ x 8’ x 3/8” thick panels have a high-pressure laminate top surface which blocks moisture before it gets behind the walls yet has a realistic-looking (laminate actually) grout joints. These panels are also made with subway tile or even herringbone tile wall patterns.
Reason #2 to not build a tile shower. It’s expensive
Unless you buy the cheapest tile at the big box store and go through the looooong process of DIYing it, a tile project is gonna cost you.
Not only are tile and tile trim pieces not cheap but installing a tile shower takes a long time. In most cases your contractor will be setting small mosaic tiles on the floor pan (which needs lots of grout) and larger (harder to work with) tile on the walls. There’s a lot of time prepping, cutting and setting these units. And guess who’ll be paying the bill for all this time? ‘Er, that would be you.
Once again grout free shower wall panels like a PVC composite shower surround and the laminate shower walls make perfect sense to cut labor costs vs. tile. And if you want a herringbone pattern shower surround, these wall panels can be far less cost than tile. In fact in the article below, you’ll be able to see 5 shower wall panel systems you can buy for under $1,750.

Reason #3 to not build a tile shower. The shower floor pan ends up looking dirty
Since all the dirt and grime go down on your shower pan the plethora (OK – I used this big word to make you think I’m smart. Is it working?) of grout joints in your mosaic shower floor pan gets ugly over time (especially if you don’t reseal them…and if you can name one person who actually reseals their tile shower, I’ll be amazed!).
And, who loves to stare down at a dirty floor? I’ll give you the answer. NO ONE.
Whether you have a standard-sized or customer shower pan, there is ZERO reason to put up with a dirty tile floor.
If you have a standard sized shower look at contemporary acrylic shower pans. They’re sleek, stylish and durable (because they have an MDF reinforced bottom) and easy to wipe down. If you have a custom pan, the age-old, but built-like-a-tank custom cultured stone shower pan makes sense.
And if you’re wondering if there’s a way to get a complete shower replacement system (which is designed with no grout in the shower pan AND the shower walls) for your alcove space, you’ll want to check out this video on how to choose the best alcove shower kit.
Reason #4 to not build a tile shower. It’s hard to find a competent human being, alien or robot to do the job
In this age of robotics and fast-moving-technologies, there still isn’t a cost-effective people-less way to install a tile shower inside your home. And there in lies the problem.
If you talk to any remodeling contractor and ask their #1 problem, it’s finding good people (or maybe any people for that matter) to install (and the tile contractors certainly have this problem). And here’s the even more alarming news.
The labor problem in construction is only projected to get worse.
No one is telling their sons and daughters to go into construction – although I’d guess a construction craftsperson with 4 years of experience is making a lot more money that a college student with a 4-year (if you’re lucky) college degree in philosophy (who has also built up a mountain of student debt). This is a debate for another day.
IMHO – superior shower wall panel systems are (by necessity) the wave of the future in bathroom remodeling. They can be installed by carpentry crews (which are easier to find than tile setters) in 1/3 to 1/6th the time of tile.
Reason #5 to not build a tile shower. If you DIY the job, you’ll buy a lot of tools you’ll never use again
DIYing sounds great until you realize the number of (and cost of) specialty tools, equipment and supplies you need for a tile shower.
To make sharp cuts you need a wet saw (which is also a dusty, dirty process).
To gently tap the tiles into place you need a rubber mallet. Not exactly something you’ll use again – unless it is to bop your son over the head when he doesn’t take the garbage out again – OK, probably not it’s intended use.
To make irregular cuts (semi-circles and weird shapes) you’ll need a ‘tile nibbler.’ I bet (sarcasm intended) you have a million uses for a tile nibbler!
You’ll need pointed and square notched trowels.
You’ll even need a specialized, big, thick and dense-cell sponge to get the grout off the tiles (no, taking your spouses’ sponge from the kitchen sink won’t work – and may even get you a ‘free-nights-sleep’ in the doghouse!).
These specialized tools and equipment add up and then gather dust after the DIY tile job is done. Not a smart investment.
Look for wall panel systems which use standard woodworking equipment like shown below.
Reason #6 to not build a tile shower. The tiles can be all ‘catawampus’
Catawampus…that’s a funny word isn’t it? It’s a term you might have heard your Grandpa use to describe something all messed up. He might have described all those tiles going in and out on a wall as being catawampus.
Let’s face it. With tile there are times your tile setter (or you, if you’re DIYing the job) have to ‘fight’ the tiles to get them flush and flat on the wall. In plain English….
Why fight with tiles if you can use wall panels with one smooth flat surface? If you want a sleek, high gloss look (like glass tiles, but continuous), maybe a contemporary acrylic shower panel will do the trick. If you want a stone look, the laminate shower panels are winners again. There’s no need to stand for catawampus anymore!
Reason #7 to not build a tile shower. Leaking walls, leaking pans and leaking onto floors below
If you don’t realize it, you’re taking a BIG risk putting in a tile shower. That big risk is leaking. The grout joints in the wall are porous. The grout joints in the pan are porous. Sure – you can protect yourself better today by using waterproof shower pan and wall systems like those made by Wedi and Schluter. However, in front of these systems you still have grout joints. And besides, what guarantees against leaking are you getting from your remodeling contractor or tile setter?
If you want to get rid of leaking – grout free wall panels (as discussed before) work great. For the shower pan – you’ll find acrylic or modern low profile solid surface shower pans are both thoughtful options (note – I would stay away from fiberglass because it can be a pain to clean). And if you really want to protect yourself against leaks – look for higher quality shower kits which have grout free wall panels, shower pans and glass enclosure with are all designed to work together.

Reason #8 to not build a tile shower. They require YOUR time
Wouldn’t it be fantastic if someone else was in charge of clean up?
Wouldn’t it be fantastic if someone else was in charge of calling the ‘Grout Medic’ or ‘Grout Doctor’ to clean those nasty joints?
There is ZERO fun pulling out a scrub brush or calling a contractor to clean grout joints. It’s also not a good omen for tile jobs to know there is an entire industry of franchises built around tile maintenance. Who really want to call a ‘Doctor’ or ‘Medic’ of any type…anyway?
This funny person below cleaning up their tile DOESN” T HAVE TO BE YOU!
Get rid of grout. Chop down maintenance. It’s that simple.

Reason #9 to not build a tile shower. No disgusting ‘nooks and crannies’
Whether you have a tile shower – or any other shower for that matter – you know you need a place for all your stuff. And if you’re like my wife, the stuff just keeps on growing (as Rose tells me ‘the time – and number of products – from waking up to pretty keeps getting bigger and longer).
Given these harsh, cruel aging facts you probably have more shampoos, lotions and potions than ever before. You need niches and storage places to put them (especially if you have a small shower).
If you have a tile shower, you’ll need a tile niche. The grout in the damp insides of these niches ends up looking ugly. This doesn’t need to be the case.
Instead of having your tile setter build a tile niche, a smarter – and better looking– solution are brushed aluminum niches like these. You’ll save cleaning time, and your shower will look better.
If you absolutely love, love, love tile, I’m sorry to ‘pick on’ this industry in this article.
I just know from the world I (and my wife) live in we have little time for maintenance, calling ‘Grout Doctors’ or putting up with leaks (God forbid) which could occur down the road from tile.
The alternatives to tile have never been better. The installation options for grout free wall panels and maintenance free bases have never been faster. It’s become far simpler to do a tub to shower conversion with grout free panels and bases.
Does it make sense for you to rethink your decision to have a tile shower for your new home or remodeling project?
If you want input on using wall panels and grout free bases vs. tile showers call me (or my team). We’d not only be honored to help you and can also provide wholesale-direct pricing on cool grout free options many people haven’t even seen before. Call or click the links below.
How can I (or a member of my team) help you?
Do you have any additional questions?
We’d love to help. Call us at 877-668-5888 (for nationwide wholesale supply or a referral to a local installing dealer of laminated wall panels) or grout free custom cultured granite shower pans or contemporary acrylic bases. For a local Cleveland bathtub to shower conversion or to find a Cleveland bathroom remodeling contractor call 216-658-1280 or 614-252-3242 in Columbus.
If you’re a remodeler or builder and want practical advice on remodeling products, industry trends, marketing and sales tips to grow your business (and cut day to day hassles), start reading my newest blog – Innovate Builders Blog. It’s packed with ideas you can use now. Click here to Sign Up for the Innovate Builders Blog.
If you’re in the building business, click here if you’d like to learn how to become a shower wall panel dealer or call and ask for Mike at 888-467-7488.
If you’ve got a multi-unit project learn how you can replace tile with shower wall panels in your vacation rental homes or even prefab home tub surrounds.
If you want more advice (or like wacky humor) follow me on LinkedIn @MikeFotiLinkedIn or on Twitter @Mike_Foti or my companies @InnovateBuild or @InnovateHomeOrg.
Mike Foti
Manny – thanks for your input. While wall panels will save time from cleaning and future maintenance there are also types of wall panels which can give you looks you can’t get with grouted tile (like cracked cement walls, or with sheets which look like back painted glass) – however, with all this said the key thing no matter what you choose is to know the pros (and cons) of whatever wall surround system you choose. Become an educated consumer, then make your choice. Thanks for your input – Mike
This sounds to me like McDonalds or Burger King saying they sell real meat burgers , and people who doesn’t want to cook believe it just for being lazy
Mike Foti
Maureen – thanks for sharing experience with tile. Tile is certainly a long-standing material. While no material is perfect for every job – the grout free wall panels have come a LONG WAY from being made from plastic. Even though you love tile – it can be too expensive for people – or can be a lot of work to maintain. There are now options like laminate wall panels which are stylish, sturdy, and simple to install and maintain. However, with that being said – I’m glad you love your tile!
I would NEVER put anything except tile in my showers. Have had tile many years and is still pristine, devoid of mold. Who is trying to sell plastic junk, which also looks like junk.
Mike Foti
Sharon – thanks for sharing with me the challenges you have with your shower. I’ll send you an email if you’d like to reach out to me directly – Mike
Sharon Danburg
I moved into my home October 2020 and my shower is the almond colored fiberglass “blah” with caulking in the corners where the two wall mounts meet. The caulk has separated and now there’s a 1/4 inch gap running 8 inches from the floor pan up the corner.
These pictures of showers all look beautiful but my shower sits between a jacuzzi tub and a wall.
Lots of problems with this bathroom – the controls for the jacuzzi tub are on an adjacent wall and is one of the “dial-a-minute” things, and the vanity is too low and the p-trap constantly clogs, despite monthly clean-outs
Needless to say everything is going to go except the toilet and floor. The toilet may go, too.
Is there some way I could chat with you to figure out how to approach this? I can hire someone to help but I’ll have to do a lot of this myself since I’m on a fixed income and a widow.
Mike Foti
Rhea – I’m glad you found a good solution for your bathroom walls and floor! Mike
Rhea Scarlet
I agree not to use tiles in the bathroom. I’m old and can’t afford to clean it all the time. I just cemented the walls and used oil paint. Easy to repaint if the paint comes off. As for the floor, I use pebble wash, it is not slippery and looks beautiful.
Mike Foti
Marie – thanks for sharing your insights. When it comes to tile – from what I’ve seen the problem normally isn’t the tile as much as it is the grout joint (which gets dirty, moldy etc.). You can have some unbelievable designs with tile – but it does take maintenance.
And your point about dull, scratched prefab shower and tub walls can certainly be true of fiberglass wall panel systems (which are one of the lowest priced on the market). What’s nice about wall panels is the technology is far superior today when you look at lines like laminate wall panels.
And I also agree with you about competent tile setters- they certainly do exist out there, however they are getting expensive as the number of good ones in many markets are getting to be fewer and fewer. So – if you can find a good – and reasonably priced tile setter – use them!
Thanks for reading and providing your thoughts – Mike
I completely disagree. A well done tile can last 50 years. Compare that to the dull, scratched finish of a prefab wall and it’s no contest. Throw away society looks at the short term remodel costs and not longevity. Stop making trash and go back to making products that last.
And yes – there are still competent tile masters out there – get references!!!
Mike Foti
Marcia – I agree with you. I’m starting a bathroom remodel at my own home today (we had a tile shower which eventually failed). We’re replacing it with a solid surface shower pan and cracked cement laminate wall panels. It’ll have a modern look – AND get rid of grout cleaning forever! Thanks for reading – Mike
We’ve moved a lot and I agree about not doing tile. For all the reasons you named. My favorite shower was in our nicest house. All in one piece – I think fiberglass shower. A breeze to clean (rarely). Lived there 5 years and still loved it. It was a quality fiberglass. Not a cheap thin one. It would be my first choice. It wasn’t really small either.
Thanks for the info. Read it all.
Mike Foti
Carmen – thanks for expressing your opinion. It’s been my experience that professionally installed wall panels systems are more cost-effective than tile – but maybe you’ve had different experiences than me. Thanks for reading – Mike
Carmen Console
This type of shower is so over priced! You can have a three Hugh tiles installed for half that cost. Looks amazing and will out live my new born kid.
Mike Foti
Thanks for your comments. There are many types of wall panels on the market – and yes, if you get the cheap panels made of FRP (fiberglass reinforced plastic) or fiberglass you can see discoloration. However, these aren’t the panels I’m talking about. The ones I recommend (mostly) are laminate wall panels. They don’t leak and have a lifetime guarantee.
Yes – the Wedi waterproof tile backer system is a nice product (as well as Schluter products as well) – but it still requires grouted tiles – and grouted tiles will require maintenance. If you use larger tiles, this will help to minimize maintenance. Thanks for your point of view – Mike
OMG. Grout is your biggest problem??? Yes grout will grow mold. This is true. However, not if you clean it properly. Most people are too lazy to do that. The panels you are suggesting discolor and don’t stand the test of time. Leaking is a problem with the install method. Ever heard of Wedi shower systems who have made it so simple to install, most diyers can do it. Those systems have a 10 year warranty when installer by a certified installer. There are currently larger porcelain wall panels that will last much longer than any plastic surround!
Mike Foti
Ryan – thanks for expressing your opinion. I’m not a big fan of the ‘plastic’ (fiberglass and acrylic systems) either. But I think there are nice-looking, grout free alternatives (like solid surface walls, laminate wall etc.) which last better than tile, have longer warranties, and look darn nice. However, with all that being said – it’s great in this country everyone can express their opinions. I guess on this one, we’ll agree to disagree. Mike
What a joke of a blog. We rip out plastic that was installed two years ago everyday. Real companies can keep cost control and squash your mythological problems like a bug. Go pan handle your product like elsewhere.
Mike Foti
David – thanks so much for your kind words. The challenge with a tile job is often NOT the tile – it’s the doggone grout joint. And while there have been advancements in grouts (like urethane and epoxy grouts) – it’s far simpler to use a wall panel system – and with advancements in wall panels it’s becoming harder and harder to tell the premade panels vs. real tile (and besides, with less and less tile setters available these days – the labor rates to do a tile project are going through the roof).
Sure – feel free to share my article – and please let people know it came from our company (and/or suggest they subscribe to my blog) so they can continue to learn more. Mike
David Alonzi
Dear Mike , I trust you are the author of this GREAT article that is more valuable than a college education these days! I hear you! For years as a painter I would constantly get the question “Do me a favor?”…..can you just clean up the grout on my tub? Whew !
What a TEDIOUS CHORE! Often times worth more time and aggravation than painting the place!…So with no shortage of tile brainwashed homeowners out there I would like to ask for your permission to make copies of this article to give out as “education “ for public enrichment.
Mike Foti
Donnie – thanks for presenting your point of view. There are certainly pros and cons for both wall panels and tile – and neither system is perfect. Here’s another article where I compare tile to laminate wall panels – maybe this article will show you some of the positive points about tile you felt were missing from this article – Mike – https://blog.innovatebuildingsolutions.com/2019/08/26/compare-ceramic-tile-surrounds-vs-laminate-shower-wall-panels/
Donnie V
Contractors build tile showers every day.
Cost is controlled by tile chosen and size, complexity of project. Keep it simple if money is an issue.
Grout isn’t an issue, there’s epoxy grout, easy to clean, no staining, mold or mildew.
You are just trying to sell your product. Don’t blame you, just sad your product can’t stand up to consumer scrutiny without you trying to make other options look bad.
It’s all about personal preference.
Mike Foti
JJ- thanks for your input. Maybe the heated floors are drying out and helping to minimize moisture inside the grout joints – that’s an interesting comment – Mike
Jj shaw
I got heated tile floors and I haven’t had a problem ever with mold and I have pebbled tile.I would highly recommend heated floors if you do a tiled walk in shower! Totally worth it!
Mike Foti
Alexandra – thanks for your input. Whether you look for a quote on grout free products or tile products it is possible to see large variations in pricing from potential contractors. A couple of reasons I like the grout free products over the tile products are (1) ease of maintenance (‘er lower long term costs because you don’t have to spend on maintaining them) and (2) getting a guarantee (with most tile projects you’re lucky to get a one year guarantee).
However – with that being said I’m glad you’re excited about your new tile bathroom. A tile project – installed with the right backer boards and a more water-resistant grout can hold up over the years. The best to you with your project and thanks for reading – Mike
They quoted us 19-24,000 dollars for some very plain finishes which included these fake walls etc. my bathroom is a 3/4 bath that’s about 40sqft. No way in heck I’m paying for that. We opted for tile because it’s way better and nicer finish and between the labor and material we will updates 3 bathrooms before reaching $24k. Not saying some of your points are not valid here however I still think the old ways are better when done right.
Mike Foti
Grace – thanks for your comments. My gut is the laminate panels you might have received isn’t the same as the laminate panels which are being imported to the United States now. The panels which come over now are a ‘high pressure’ laminate which go together with a tongue and groove interlocking system. In addition there’s a hybrid polymer sealant between the units and they laminate is installed over marine grade plywood. If your laminate panels were applied over MDF or something like that without a proven waterproofing system I can understand why you had a bad result. I’m be curious what type of system was used on your project. Mike
Grace Lutz
We got laminate panels for our shower and are now going back to tile! The plastic overlay on the floor pulled up around the drain and there’s mold that has developed between the laminate and overlay. Theres mold in all the corners and along the edges that are impossible to clean because it’s epoxy or vinyl. Horrible waste of $10,000!