Shower Accessory Trends – What’s in and what’s out?

Just like a dress is not complete without the right shoes and handbag, so a shower is not complete without the right shower accessories.
Shower accessories which function poorly, look cheap, or are out of style will put a black eye on your new bathroom.
So, if you’re wondering what’s hot, and what’s not in shower accessories, and what will maximize function AND fashion for your upcoming bath remodel or new home, you’ve come to the right place.
Below – I’ll look at 10 shower accessory trends you need to know to get the most from your shower.
Shower accessory trend #1 – Matte is hot, gloss is not.
Back when mullets were in, polished brass hardware was EVERYWHERE! And perhaps you already know this with the too-many-to- count bright brass door handles you’re stuck with today in your old home.
And while you may not be ready to replace all your behind-the-time hardware, at least your bathroom can be a place to start.
Today – what’s hot in shower accessories and hardware are matte finishes. This includes matte black and brushed nickel. And what’s an added benefit, is these finishes are not only on trend, but they show less spotting than their high-gloss hardware ‘brothers.’
The only place I’d recommend high gloss fixtures is if you’re going for an ultra-contemporary look, then polished chrome is still the standard bearer.
Shower accessory trend #2 – Truck stop grab bars are better left for truck stops (or hospitals).
You’ve seen those god-awful grab bars everywhere. And your mind automatically associates them with trucks stops and hospitals – which, quite frankly, are two places you desperately want to get in and out of AS FAST AS POSSIBLE!
So, if you – or a family member needs a grab bar (and with the aging population this number is mushrooming by the day) how can you ‘fake out’ your shower – and include this hospital-stay-saving tool – but not have a grab bar which looks ugly?
Well – the best way to do it is to look for grab bars which look like towel bars.
Grab bars DO NOT have to be eye sores anymore!
Shower accessory trend #3 – Blow up the cheap, plastic, dollar-store-esque shower caddy – for stylish, sturdy, and simple solid surface shelves and stainless steel niches
Nothing says tacky like a plastic dollar store shower caddy. It’s what desperate homeowners buy when they’ve got an existing shower (like a fiberglass one piece tub/shower) where you can’t effectively add storage to those flimsy, plastic, molded, shower walls– but still need more space.
Get rid of dollar store shower caddies and upgrade with sturdy solid surface corner shelves with brackets or larger stainless steel recessed niches.
They’re sleek and can be placed ANYWHERE which works for you. So, if you’re V.C. (‘er vertically challenged), set your shelving lower in the shower. Or if you’re a big boy/girl, raise them up so you’re no longer bending down and straining your back to get your showering products.
Shower accessory trend #4 – Grout is OUT – especially if you’re the one ‘elected’ (by process of elimination) to clean your grouted accessories.
You see them all over the Internet. And I’ll grant you they look FAN-TAS-TIC when they’re (initially) installed. And if you’re not sure what I’m talking about it, they’re recessed tile niches.
There’s unlimited designs you can create with tile niches, although they WILL cost a pretty penny – (or an ugly penny if you’re not independently wealthy for that matter) to have a tile setter build them for you.
The problem with tile niches is they have nooks and crannies which eventually DO NOT look as ‘delicious’ as the famous buttery nooks and crannies in Mrs. Thomas’ English Muffins (and I’ll bet I’m getting you hungry now!).
So – if you NEED more storage – yet want things to stay nice looking and not be a maintenance P.I.A., what can you do? Here’s two ideas:
- 1) Use a stainless steel horizontal or vertical niche.
- 2) Use a sheet molded compound niche if you’re on a tight budget.
Shower accessory trend #5 – Make sure your shower head isn’t as ‘fixed’ as your crazy Uncle’s political positions.
If you follow politics (or troll Facebook or Twitter) an hour, or two, or three a day – you know people’s political positions can be as fixed as a concrete road. You wonder why anyone tries to convince them to come over to ‘their’ side (which of course, they believe, is the only ‘right side’)?
And although you (or your Uncle’s) political position may be fixed, accepting a ‘fixed shower head’ may NOT be in your best interests (whether it’s manufactured by a Republican or Democrat). This is especially true if you’d like to age in place because as time goes on we’re often (if we’re being honest) not as limber as we used to be.
So, given this fact – there’s a cool shower accessory trend you can leverage that will give you the flexibility to take your shower standing up – or sitting down (especially if you want to shave your legs). And this trend is the shower head which is on a slide bar.
It’ll not only come to you when you need it, but it also makes it easier to clean your dog or shower.
Shower accessory trend #6 – Fold down seats are in, bench seats (and geriatric chairs) are out.
Whether you use a shower seat because of mobility issues, or you want a place to relax and/or to shave your legs, there’s no denying more seating is being added into showers.
And since most showers ARE NOT as large as owners would like, the question is if you want (or need) a seat what’s a stylish and safe way to add one and NOT eat up your precious square inchage (not sure that’s a word, but I’m using it anyway) inside the shower?
Well – the trend is to use a fold down bench seat. What’s cool about them is you fold them down when they’re needed and fold them up when they’re not. You get the seat function – without your limited shower space being gobbled up by a bench seat.
Shower accessory trend #7– ‘Square’ never felt as ‘in’ as it does today when you’re shopping for a shower drain.
Although the term ‘square’ (AKA – old fashioned, not ‘hip’ or stylish) was originally used in the jazz scene in the 1940’s – it’s popularity blew up in the 1960’s when almost ALL kids felt their parents were anything but ‘with it.’
And although ‘square’ was not a ‘term a stylish ‘flower child’ wanted someone to call them back in those days, today square (or rectangular) is very much ‘in’ when it comes to contemporary bath designs.
And when you combine square (with an almost disappearing look) you even add a higher level of ‘coolness’ when it comes to shower drains (and EVERYONE knows shower drains are cool. Ok, that’s the bathroom geek in me talking!).
And if you want to know what’s out in shower drains – it’s round.
So, if you want to be ‘in with the in kids’ (‘er today this likely means ‘old farts’ like you and I) get your shower pans with a square (or rectangular) matching strainer cover. They’re sleek, and stylish. And I’ll bet you never thought you’d get excited about a shower drain but see how you can evolve through your ‘graceful’ aging process!
Shower accessory trend #8– Freestanding bathtubs (with their accompanying tub filler) are still the bomb-diggity!
Some people love ‘em.
Some people hate ‘em.
And if you’re not what sure I’m referring to – it’s freestanding bathtubs.
And if you have space for a ‘5 piece bathroom’ (and for those of you not familiar with the term- 5 piece bathroom – it’s one which includes a shower, 2 sinks, toilet, and a bathtub) – the freestanding tubs (irrespective of whether they’re used a lot – or not) – are still hot.
The concept of relaxing in your ‘spa bathroom’ is intriguing – even if it doesn’t happen as much as you’d like (your crazy, hectic life gets in the ‘way’ too often).
And for people with the space – the freestanding tub is still growing in popularity. And a way to add style to a freestanding tub is to include an uber-cool tub filler to show off your good looks.
And if you’re wondering if tub-fillers are cheap – that’d be a resounding no. However, if you’re also wondering if the freestanding tub/tub filler provides the ‘I’m-so-cool’ factor to your new bathroom, the answer is a resounding Y-E-S!
Shower accessory trend #9– You’re never a ‘loser’ adding more effective storage
Here’s a question for you.
On a one to 10 scale – grade the effectiveness of your existing bathroom storage (and no, negative 5 isn’t an acceptable answer!).
And I don’t have to be Nostradamus to tell you most people remodeling their bathroom (or building a new home) desperately want to improve storage.
So, the question is – if you can’t have a huge bathroom (and aren’t ready to throw your ‘clutter-collecting’ spouse or partner out) – how can you improve storage WITHOUT more space? Here’s a few ideas:
- Use a medicine cabinet with storage shelves inside.
- Insist on a vanity cabinet with shelves which pull out or tip out.
- Redo your linen closet with adjustable shelves.
- Add a storage cabinet above the toilet.
- Use a ‘storage ladder’ for towels.
Shower accessory trend #10– More light- and better ventilation – are always in style.
More bathrooms are destroyed by humidity and mold than you can ‘shake a stick at.’
And while it’s smart to use products like stylish shower wall panels and waterproof click-lock flooring (vs. tile) to eliminate the two evil ‘M & M’s’ (no, not the tasty kind of M and M’s – these ‘M and M’s’ would be mold and maintenance) – it also makes sense to stop humidity BEFORE it can gain a ‘foothold’ in your bathroom. And what’s the best to do that, you may ask?
Well –add (or start opening) the bathroom window to let moisture out. And use a casement style window vs. a double hung window to get more air flow within the same space.
And another idea – if you don’t have one (or simply don’t use it) is to add an exhaust fan. They’re a ‘low cost insurance policy’ against damage from damp, wet bathrooms.
Which of these shower accessories are you excited about? Do you need help planning (or finding the right products) for your new bathroom?
While there are a number of new shower accessory ideas listed above, they aren’t practical for every bathroom.
And if you need help designing your space – and figuring out the right products to use – reach out to a Bath and Shower Specialist at Innovate Building Solutions. They work with bathrooms every day (aren’t we lucky?) and will help with accessories, and shower, tub, glass doors, or vanities.
Call Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888.
Or if it’s after hours, request a Free Design Consultation.
And if you’re looking for a contractor to assist with your project – ask for an installing dealer in your local area to assist you.
Thanks for reading.
And BTW – if you’re an installing contractor and would like to learn about becoming a dealer of laminate wall panels (and have access to a wide variety of shower accessories) call Mike at 888-467-7488.