News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
7 incredibly smart (and 3 incredibly stupid) shower designs you can learn from | Innovate Building Solutions

7 incredibly smart (and 3 incredibly stupid) shower designs you can learn from

Updated December 25, 2018 The difference between a smart shower design and a not-so-bright one is with a smart design you want to spend time in the space. You’d like to linger and enjoy the relaxing message of the water. You want to sit on the bench seat and unwind after a long day taking in the ambiance... Continue reading

A DIY glass block shower experience made possible with Egyptian Pyramid building ingenuity - Innovate Building Solutions

A DIY glass block shower experience made possible with Egyptian pyramid building ingenuity

  You may be wondering, “What does building a glass block shower have in common with Egyptian pyramids?” That would be a logical question. Sometime when you take on a custom shower project with heavy materials (in this case a beefy solid surface shower base and custom prebuilt glass block shower... Continue reading

6 shower trends to kick up your bathroom from the Columbus BIA Parade of Homes | Innovate Building Solutions

6 Shower Trends to Kick up your Bathroom from the 2017 Columbus BIA Parade of Homes (and 3 new ideas I’d like to see next year)

  Updated March 9, 2019 As a bathroom and shower remodeling geek I HAVE TO check out the Columbus Parade of Homes each year. It’s fun to see what the crazy designers and builders can do to inject personality, fun and function into their home designs. This year’s group of 9 homes did not disappoint.... Continue reading

Can't find a contracor - Maybe it's time to DIY your bathroom remodeling project | Innovate Building Solutions

Can’t find a contractor? Maybe it’s time to DIY your bathroom remodel

  Updated March 17, 2019 Finding a general bathroom remodeling contractor is becoming a needle in a haystack process in cities, suburbs and rural areas across the United States. You may be wondering why are contractors such a pain in the butt to find today? Think about these trends and political... Continue reading

4 reasons you shouldn’t listen to your realtor (why a shower is better than a tub – even for resale)

  Updated December 10, 2023 Lynda and Tom – a super nice couple in their 50’s living in the Columbus Ohio burbs (can you say O-H-I-O   – yes I’m a OSU Buckeye fan) – came into my showroom with their floor plan for a bathroom remodeling project. They want to make the bathroom larger... Continue reading

3 shower wall panel installation headaches you can eliminate with these 5 little know tricks | Innovate Building Solutions

3 shower wall panel installation headaches you can eliminate with these 5 little known tricks

Updated February 24, 2019 David’s honey-do list has just gotten tougher! When Susan told you, she was sick and tired of cleaning grout in your master bathroom shower and YOU had to finally do something about it you weren’t exactly jumping for joy. Oh boy – another major remodeling project thrown... Continue reading

5 glass block shower wall installation mistakes to avoid like the plague | Innovate Building Solutions

5 mistakes (to avoid like the plague) building a glass block shower wall

  Updated April 19, 2020 Do you get an idea in your head and are determined to do it despite the naysayers all around you? When you came up with the idea for the glass block walk in shower the doubters came out in force. Here’s some of the “input” from the doubters you’re already had to put up with: Why... Continue reading