News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block

Search Results for “laminate wall panels

17 Signs its Time To Remodel Your Old Bathroom (with ideas to NOT spend a fortune in the process)

Learn 17 signs you need to remodel your old bathroom (with cost-effective solutions to make it happen on a budget). For more information call 877-668-5888 or for a bath or shower remodel in Cleveland or Akron contact The Bath Doctor at 216-658-1270.

15 Practical Ideas to Cut Costs of A Tile Shower

After getting tile shower quotes you may have bemoaned (with the emphasis on the moaning) ….. “I can’t believe how expensive tile showers are!” And unfortunately, I’ll back up your findings and say, tile showers ARE NOT a cheap date. And not to go all Danny Downer on you when you’re already stinging from the […]

How to include the most popular bathroom features in your remodel or new home (even if your budget isn’t crazy big)

Learn the most popular bathroom features and how to include them in your remodel if you don’t have a big budget. For more information call 877-668-5888 or for a bath remodel in Cleveland or Akron contact The Bath Doctor at 216-658-1270.

What’s hot (and what’s not) in a master bathroom design?

I know if you’re remodeling or building a new home making selections is overwhelming. And choosing products for the master bathroom (which is a space used almost as frequently as your kitchen) is no picnic. While you want a bathroom which is stylish (and ‘on trend’), you don’t necessarily want a design which is ‘trendy’ […]

How to Compare an Acrylic Shower Pan to a Tile Shower Base

Acrylic and tile shower pans are everywhere. You’ll see them in production and custom homes. You’ll see acrylic pans stocked at your local plumbing wholesaler and home center store. You’ll see tile shower materials at tile retailers and big box stores. And although materials for acrylic and tile shower pans are everywhere that DOES NOT […]

11 Steps to a Safe, Stylish and Accessible Bathroom for Mom (or Dad) to Age in Place

Learn 11 steps to help mom or dad get a safe, stylish, and accessible bathroom. For design assistance or nationwide supply of age in place products call Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888 or for a Cleveland bathtub remodeling contractor call 216-531-6085.