News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block

Tag: Accessible shower

Opening Image - How to Make a Barrier Free Shower NOT Look Institutional - Innovate Building Solutions, Barrier Free Shower Design, Shower Renovation Projects, Shower Remodeling Concepts, Walk In Shower Designs

How to Make a Barrier Free Shower NOT Look Institutional or be a Pain To Maintain

If you’ve been shopping for an accessible, ADA, roll in, or barrier free shower, by now I’ll bet a ‘dollar to donuts’ (yes, that’s a weird saying I know) you’re used to seeing pictures of boring, white plastic shower systems. YUCK! And while these institutional-looking white systems will ‘work’ (and... Continue reading

Opening Image - How to Help Mom & Dad get a Safe Shower - Innovate Building Solutions, Walk In Shower, Age In Place Bathrooms, Shower Replacement Kit, Bathroom Shower Projects

How to help mom and dad get a safe shower

Maybe it’s your New Year’s resolution—or simply a must-do task you can’t put off any longer. You’ve decided it’s time to help mom and dad—or yourself—upgrade from an old bathtub to a safe, accessible roll-in or walk-in shower. This decision could be one of the smartest aging-in-place home improvements... Continue reading

Opening Image - 10 Little Known Facts about Walk in Showers - Innovate Building Solutions, Walk In Shower Designs, Bathroom Renovation Ideas, Shower Remodeling Projects, DIY Bathroom Showers

10 Little Known Facts about Walk in Showers

Should I, or shouldn’t I, choose a walk in shower? I’ve heard people rack their brains with this question for 16 years I’ve been blogging about bathrooms, and the 39 years I’ve led a company which wholesales and installs bathrooms. And the reason people struggle with this decision is there’s a lot... Continue reading

Opening - Why you hate glass shower doors… | Innovate Building Solutions | Glass shower doors | Bathroom design ideas | bathroom remodeling diy

Why you hate glass shower doors…and what you can do about it!

If you’re someone who DOES NOT have a love affair with your shower door, you’re not alone. Shower doors can be a royal pain in the neck. Here’s a few problems you have: The glass is spotted and uncleanable. Your door has tracks at the bottom which capture dirt, hair, and God-only-knows-what. Your... Continue reading

Pinterest - Opening - design a home for an empty nester | Innovate Building Solutions | Innovate Home Org | #EmptyNester #DesigningHome #LaminateWallPanels #PlanningForTheFuture

How to Design a Home with Your Empty Nester Years in Mind

Before I knew it, I was 60 years old. Before I knew it one son (‘er young adult) was out of the house, another son has the money to leave at any time and my 17-year-old ‘little girl’ is thinking about life after high school. Before I knew it the 2-story suburban home Rose and I had built for us 25... Continue reading

5.5 Little known secrets to designa handicap accessible shower | Innovate Building Solutions | #HandicapAccessible #ShowerRemodel #BathroomWallPanels

5 ½ Little Known Secrets to Design a Handicap Accessible Shower Which Doesn’t Look Ugly!

Updated March 24, 2019 You and your husband have had ‘the talk’ about Mom moving in. You both know it’s the right thing to do. It certainly won’t be simple. Since Dad passed away 2 years ago Mom’s mobility has been headed in the wrong direction. You worry about her living alone. If only she would... Continue reading

5 reasons you shouldn't buy a ramped roll in shower 2 little known better alternatives | Innovate Building Solutions

5 reasons you shouldn’t buy a ramped roll in shower base (2 little-known better alternatives for aging parents)

Updated January 20, 2019 The aging problem has hit your Mom and Dad’s doorstep Mom’s mobility and balance isn’t what it used to be (when she fell last year it created quite a scare for you and your brother Michael). Dad’s knees are so bad from his years of hard work at the plant, going up the stairs... Continue reading

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