News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block

Tag: barrier free shower

Opening Image - How to Make a Barrier Free Shower NOT Look Institutional - Innovate Building Solutions, Barrier Free Shower Design, Shower Renovation Projects, Shower Remodeling Concepts, Walk In Shower Designs

How to Make a Barrier Free Shower NOT Look Institutional or be a Pain To Maintain

If you’ve been shopping for an accessible, ADA, roll in, or barrier free shower, by now I’ll bet a ‘dollar to donuts’ (yes, that’s a weird saying I know) you’re used to seeing pictures of boring, white plastic shower systems. YUCK! And while these institutional-looking white systems will ‘work’ (and... Continue reading

Opening Image - Who can (and Should) Design, Supply, and Install your Accessible, Age in Place, or ADA Shower - Innovate Building Solutions, Accessible Shower Needs, Age In Place Bathroom Designs, ADA Shower Options, Safer Bathroom Showers

Who can (and Should) Design, Supply, and Install your Accessible, Age in Place, or ADA Shower?

Whether you can hear (evil) father time knocking (or banging) on your door, or you (or a family member) have a debilitating disease, health, or developmental challenge – you know a ‘standard’ shower (and bathroom) can be something you despise and worry if it’ll be safe. So, you’ve might to come to... Continue reading

Modify or Move Answering the aging in place question. | Innovate Building Solutions | Age in place | handicap accessible shower | bathroom remodeling ideas | Roll in shower design ideas

Modify or Move? Answering the aging in place question.

If you – or your parents – are like most people, aging is NOT a fun process (even though the 55+ community brochures make it look like a blast). And when you’re not as limber as you used to be (or medically ‘clicking on all cylinders’ like the old days), and navigating your home is more difficult,... Continue reading

Opening - How to Gain Space, Style, and Simplicity in a Tub to Shower Conversion | Innovate Building Solutions | Tub to shower conversion | Bathroom remodeling ideas | Shower Remodel | Master Bathroom Design ideas

How to Gain Space, Style, and Simplicity in a Tub to Shower Conversion.

If only you weren’t stuck with this tiny 5’ x 8’ bathroom and cramped tub and shower combo system. The tub is dirty and ugly. You wouldn’t dare sit your butt on it. And the shower has seen it’s better days years ago. You’ve seen the opulent bathrooms in fancy interior design magazines. They have HUMONGOUS... Continue reading

Blog Post - Opening image - 15 ideas age in place shower safer simpler stylish | Innovate Building Solutions #AgeInPlace #ShowerRemodel #BathroomRemodel

15 Insider Tips for a Safer, Simpler and Stylish Age in Place Shower

Updated July 16, 2023  If the idea of an ‘age in place shower’ DOES NOT create a vision of a bathroom you’re excited to use, you’re not alone. When people think ‘age in place,’ their thoughts are locked on safety. And while safety is essential to stay in your home as long as possible (and steer clear... Continue reading

Blog Post - Opening image 10 Ideas Accessible Shower Bath Remodel | Innovate Building Solutions #AccessibleShower #BathRemodel #ShowerRemodel

10 Little Known Ideas to Take the UGLY (and institutional) Out of an Accessible Shower and Bathroom

Nobody – and I mean nobody – wants to have their personal bathroom remind them of a hospital room! But when people think about an accessible shower or an accessible (or age in place) bathroom they get visions, not of sugarplums, but of hospital grab bars, ramps and ugly plasticky white showers dancing... Continue reading

Pinterest How to compare low profile ramped zero threshold shower | Innovate Building Solutions | #LowProfile #ShowerBase #ThresholdShowerBase

How to Compare a Low Profile vs. a Ramped vs. a Zero Threshold Shower Pan

If you need a safer shower pan in your bathroom remodel or new home and don’t have a clue which option is best for you, I can tell you you’re not alone. You see I’ve worked with thousands of people who want to ‘age in place’ or their mobility is not as good as they’d like it to be. They want a shower... Continue reading

Multi colored and patterned glass block wall and unique vanity | Innovate Building Solutions | #GlassBlock #GlassBlockDesign #ColorGlassBlock

How to Get a Bathroom Remodel Which is Built Around You

Have you ever had a vision of a fabulous bathroom remodel inspired by binge-clicking through Pinterest and Houzz? Then you invited potential contractors into your home. You were so excited. Then they proceeded to throw cold water on your vision with statements like these: Statement #1 – Lady, we’re... Continue reading

Pinterest - Opening - design a home for an empty nester | Innovate Building Solutions | Innovate Home Org | #EmptyNester #DesigningHome #LaminateWallPanels #PlanningForTheFuture

How to Design a Home with Your Empty Nester Years in Mind

Before I knew it, I was 60 years old. Before I knew it one son (‘er young adult) was out of the house, another son has the money to leave at any time and my 17-year-old ‘little girl’ is thinking about life after high school. Before I knew it the 2-story suburban home Rose and I had built for us 25... Continue reading

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