How to choose the right accessories for a solid surface shower

Every woman knows a dress is not complete without the right accessories (a fashionable purse, jewelry or fancy shoes) and every man knows a car is not really cool without the right options (a killer sound system, a sun roof to enjoy a bright, sunny day or an explosive engine to feel young again). Just like we enjoy we enjoy the additional function and fashion of adding accessories to dresses and cars the same benefits occur when choosing the right accessories for a solid surface shower.
In the article below learn how corner and bench seats, corner caddies and niches and decorative moldings and window trim kits add function and style to a solid surface shower.
Corner and bench seats
Adding a solid surface corner seat (or a bench seat) creates the benefit of a spa-like experience by having a place to sit down and relax. The seats come in over 60 different colors in 4 standard sizes (including 14”, 18”, 16” x 26” and 18” x 26”) which can be used in matching (or contrasting) colors to a solid surface base and wall system. Another benefit is seats provide a safe transfer area for a loved one with mobility challenges (for someone who uses a wheelchair or walker).
Shower caddies, shelves and recessed niches
Having the right shower storage solutions is critical to the function, safety and neat appearance of an enclosure (nothing detracts from a shower quite like cheap hanging shower trays or a bunch of bottles stacked up along the shower floor). Using the right combination of solid surface corner caddies, shelves or even recessed niches (which are neatly tucked into the wall cavity) is an excellent way to get soap and bottles off the floor and into a safe space. These products come in various sizes and 60 different colors and shapes for the maximum amount of design flexibility.
Decorative moldings and trims
If you have any wood trim in your bathroom which is pealing, chipped, cracked or just deteriorating before your eyes you know wood and a wet environment like a shower just don’t match. Using a decorative solid surface trim or crown molding it is possible to get a classically elegant look without worries about the trim breaking down over time. Some options include inside and outside corners, rope trim and crown molding.
Window trim kits
Usually the wood which is in the worst shape in a bathroom is the area surrounding a window which is close to (or inside) the shower or tub area. No matter how much painting, caulking and maintenance is done the water and condensation win out in the end. Eliminating this problem can be as simple as removing the existing wood trim and replacing it with a solid surface window trim kit.
Do you feel more knowledgeable about solid surface accessories now? Please comment or call the numbers below for any additional help or insights.
If you’re looking for solid surface shower systems contact The Bath Doctor of Cleveland (216-531-6085) or Columbus (614-252-7294).For nationwide direct product sales call Innovate Building Solutions (877-668-5888). For complete bathroom remodeling contact Cleveland Design & Remodeling (216-658-1270).