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News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block

How to save money on a tub to shower conversion by using a shower consultant…for FREE!

Opening Image - How to Save Money on a Tub to Shower Conversion by Using a Shower Consultant... For FREE - Innovate Building Solutions, Bathroom Shower Remodeling, Custom Walk In Showers, Modern Shower Concepts, Beautiful Bathroom Renovations

If remodeling your bathroom is blowing your mind, you’re not alone.

Every company wholesaling bathroom products, or contractor looking to install your tub to shower conversion, is desperately trying to convince you their solution is the ONE AND ONLY correct choice for you. And make no mistake about it, the large, big-promoting, bath companies invest heavily in selling systems to ‘influence you’ (‘er that’s trying to get you to sign RIGHT NOW) to take advantage of their ’once in a lifetime’ offers and products.

So, the challenge is how can you find someone (or a group of people) to help you sift through the plethora (and yes, that’s a fancy word I threw in to make you think I’m smart… it working?) of choices? And how can you be assured you’re getting the biggest bang for your (already) stretched bucks even if you’re not a M.O.M. (and that’s someone who is Made Of Money!)?

Well – here’s 7 tips to help you get free (yes, that’s a Ripley’s Believe It Or Not statement) advice on a tub to shower conversion to make a more informed decision.

Tip #1 – Look for a bath to shower consultant who is known for their free content  

Advice is NOT created equal.

Look for people who are known in their respective content platforms to provide insights on bathtub to shower conversions, whether this is for an ‘age in place’ bathroom, an accessible bathroom, or just a plain ol’ (yet sorely needed) bathroom makeover.

Tip 1 Innovate Building Solutions News from the Block Blog bathroom remodel articles - Innovate Building Solutions, Cleveland Ohio Bathroom Remodels, Tub To Shower Conversions, Bathroom Remodeling Ideas, Shower Renovation Concepts

For example, if you like to read I’ll tell you (and I’m not tooting my own horn, OK – I’ll level, I am tooting my own horn) I can be the guy for you. I’ve written over 550 articles on bathroom remodeling on my News from the Block blog (which I started BEFORE I had gray hair).

Or if you hate, hate, hate reading – tune in to a friend of mine’s podcast called Home Designs for Life by Janet Engel.

And if you want a few laughs – and some good insights (especially when it comes to accessible bathroom and accessible living strategies) check out the YouTube account of On the Mend Medical and Liam O’Keefe.

Tip #2 – Look for consultants, and companies, who can help you ‘pull it all together’ if interior design ain’t your thang!

I know so many people who want to pull their hair out (even if it’s thinning and Rogaine hasn’t helped) when asked by contractors to make selections. And this can be especially daunting if your contractor asks you to drive across town and ‘attempt’ to select the walls, bases, shower fixtures AND glass doors, then hope they’ll work together!

One way to get free interior design advice is to use platforms like Houzz, Reddit, or Planner 5D.

Another idea is to use a bathroom visualizer specifically designed for tub to shower conversions. In a tool like this you can swap out the bathroom surround panels, shower base, glass doors, niches, bathroom floors, and wall paint to see if you like how things look together. Then you can save various designs you can share with others to get their ‘2 cents’ if you’re not exactly confident in your interior design skills. And you can do this all in the comfort of your own home in your comfortable holy sweats you wouldn’t be caught dead wearing in public!

Tip 2 bath to shower visualizer - Innovate Building Solutions, Bathroom Remodeling Project, Walk In Shower Designs, Home Improvement Projects, Shower Wall Panels and Pans

Tip #3 – Pay attention to consultants who take the time to understand how your situation (and health) may evolve.

If only our bodies were like fine wine and became better with time. Or if it was as easy (and low cost) to change the décor and functionality of your bathroom with the flick of a switch. In these cases, you wouldn’t need a long-term planning horizon with a bathtub to shower conversion – or a bath remodel in general. Unfortunately, this IS NOT the case.

And this is where a shower consultant with knowledge of not only age in place products – but also accessible showers (WHICH DO NOT HAVE TO look like you’re entering a – medical equipment store! Yuck!) can save you significant money as your household ages. And if you choose the right products you won’t be forced to remodel it again because you’ve chosen a forward-thinking design.

For example, smart bathroom consultants not only can show and explain the difference between low profile, one level wet rooms, ramped shower pans, ramped shower kit, and custom bases – but more importantly they can assist you on when to use each option.

Tip 3 shower pan options low profile ramped ramp kit custom base - Innovate Building Solutions, Bathroom Remodeling Products, Walk In Shower Pans, Bathroom Remodeling Needs, Shower Pan Options

If you don’t have a clue where to find such a person, start with a Certified Age in Place Specialist (yes, they’re called CAPS certified – because every good certification has to have a fun acronym which goes with it!).

Shower Base Basics cover page

Get Our Ultimate Shower Base Guide!

Step Up Your Bathroom by Stepping Down Your Shower Pan!

Tip #4 – Look for a ‘details’ guy/gal.

The devil – and wasted money – is in the details.

For example, does the consultant ask about your drain location? Yes, I know what could be a sexier, or more exciting, topic than that? However, knowing if a base will work with your existing drain can be the difference in buying a shower pan you wasted money on (or will involve expensive plumbing work if the shower pan drain doesn’t match your existing drain location) and getting something designed to work the first time – without an extra (paid) trip from your contractor.

Does your consultant talk to you about the location of recessed niches, corner shelves, grab bars, and fold down seats? These accessories need to be easy to use for the various ‘body types’ in your family (and yes, I’m trying to be graceful in my wording here!).

Does your consultant talk to you about the height of the wall surrounds and how this will impact long term maintenance? An 8’ tall system is usually the best. Do they address the pros and cons of a tile shower vs. a grout free wall surrounds?

The devil (and your enjoyment) of your shower is in these details. Does your consultant ask probing questions (without being too personal) which make you say, “I never would’ve thought of that.”

Get Free Samples!

Click here to request free samples of our Laminated Waterproof Shower Wall Panels.

Tip 4 shower accessories fold down seat grab bar niche - Innovate Building Solutions, Walk In Shower Concepts, Shower Wall Panels and Pans, Bathroom Remodeling Projects, DIY Bathroom Showers

Tip #5 – Look for a consultant who keeps an eye on your pocketbook and offers money saving ideas which don’t leave you with a cheap (yet poorly functioning) shower  

I’m going to state the obvious but all tub to shower conversion projects ARE NOT of equal quality.

And while you can find cheap shower kits through online e-commerce companies it takes a savvy person to keep an eye on maximizing value.

And you don’t want to be like SpongeBob SquarePants who is lamenting to Mr. Krabs about ‘taking all of me money’ if you end up with a contractor or supplier who is just out to extract as much money as they can get from you even though they’re skimping by using 1/8” ‘thin’ plastic panels and shower pans, yet fattening their wallets to the max.

So, what should you look for to make sure your shower consultant or contractor is focused on the best value tub to shower kit for you?

First, I’d look for someone who recommends complete shower replacement kits where you combine all major elements (the base, the walls, and glass shower door) in a tub to shower conversion in one bundled order/shipment to save money.

Tip 5 complete shower replacement kits - Innovate Building Solutions, Shower Replacement Kit Options, Bathroom Renovation Ideas, Shower Remodeling Tips, Tub to Shower Conversions

Then look for materials dealers (if you’re looking to buy the project yourself) who have positive on-line reviews not only for the materials provided – but more importantly for their service AFTER the materials are sold or installed (note – e-commerce suppliers ARE NOT strong in this area – they usually sell it and say ‘Fugget-about-it’ as a New Yorker might say).

And finally, if you’re looking to have the products sourced by – and installed by- a contractor don’t buy from one of their ‘sales reps’ who uses high-pressure closing techniques to force you to buy today… or the offer is off the table. And just like this scene from We’re the Millers you don’t want to have any regrets (or ‘ragrets’ as Scott P. says here!).

Shower Kit Replacement Guide

The Ultimate Shower Replacement Kit Guide

Clear advice on bringing your bathroom to the next level

Tip #6 – Look for a consultant who is focused on personalizing your accessories

Just like accessories can make your outfit, so can shower accessories make a tub to shower conversion live infinitely better.

For example – putting in a tall or long recessed niche will keep shampoo and conditioner bottles off the floor and liquids from oozing onto the shower pan, creating an accident waiting to happen.

Or adding a fold down shower seat will maintain the spaciousness of the shower – but also provide a place to shave your legs – or a way for someone not as limber to stay safe while showering in a seated position.

Tip 6 white fold down shower seat and graystone wall panels - Innovate Building Solutions, Bathroom Shower Accessories, Walk In Shower Needs, Bathroom Remodeling Projects, Shower Necessary Accessories

Or adding a decorative grab bar (which is ‘safety hidden in plain sight which looks like a towel bar) can provide much needed support without giving your shower that ‘lovely’ (sarcasm intended) geriatric vibe.

Tip #7 – Look for a consultant who has good ideas to keep you off your hands and knees (and I don’t mean while praying) cleaning your shower.  

The only people who like cleaning a shower would be those who profit from it (because they own a grout cleaning franchise) or those with a severe case of O.C.D.

For the rest of us – cleaning a shower is high on the list of things we’d LOVE to NOT do along with public speaking or a root canal. ZZZZ – can you hear the whirl of the dentist’s drill causing chills up your spine right now?

So, what recommendations would a smart shower consultant give to make your life simpler – and to help you ‘retire’ your grout cleaning brush?

First, a smart consultant will recommend sturdy, yet stylish grout free shower pans. These can be made of acrylic, solid surface, and engineered stone.

Tip 7 white marble InnovaStone shower pan - Innovate Building Solutions, Cleveland Ohio Shower Conversions, Shower Floor Pan, Bathroom Remodeling Needs, Shower Pan Options

Second, (and building on the shower pan) are grout free shower wall panels – but not those ugly, white, thin, plastic ones! How about decorative shower wall surrounds which really look like tile and stone – without the cleaning hassles? One example is laminate wall panels. They’re 3/8” thick, available in 31 patterns – and even professional contractors get fooled thinking they’re the real thing.

Get Free Samples!

Click here to request free samples of our Laminated Waterproof Shower Wall Panels.

Tip 7 white subway tile click together shower wall panels - Innovate Building Solutions, Shower Wall Panels, DIY Bathroom Shower Project, Walk In Shower Designs, Shower Remodeling Projects

And finally – don’t forget about a shower door. You may have battled with a thin, wobbly, framed bypass tub door which collected ‘gunk’ inside the door track (Ok, it’s not a technical term – but I think it fits) like a teenager collects text messages. Doors don’t have to be the evil part of a shower which causes you massive heartache.

Choose a door finish which doesn’t show spotting. Examples include brushed nickel, matte brass, or matte black.

Choose a door which DOES NOT have an evil ‘U track’ at the bottom to collect hair and dirt.

Choose a door with glass surface protection which will bead water off like RainX does for your car windshield.

So, do you have a better idea on where to get free tub to shower conversion advice? Do you need help with products or an installer for this job?

Tub to shower conversions aren’t as simple as you may think at first. And if you get advice from a rookie contractor, pushy salesperson, or poorly trained e-commerce customer service rep – your poorly executed tub to shower conversion may be something you have to live with for a long time… and think about what could have been.

However, if you’d like to press the ‘Easy Button’ and get a Free Consultant that’s ‘been-there, done that’ call 877-668-5888 or request a Free Design Consultation from a Shower Specialist.

And if you need a referral to an installing contractor in your area ask an Innovate Shower Specialist.

Thanks for reading and putting up with my humor along the way!



If you want more advice (with less wacky humor because you’ll see the ‘buttoned-up’ business version of me) follow me on LinkedIn @MikeFoti.

And if you’re a bathroom remodeling contractor interested in being a dealer of unique shower wall panels, shower pans, glass shower door systems and shower accessories, call 888-467-7488 and ask for Mike.



Mike Foti

President of Innovate Building Solutions a nationwide supplier and regional (Cleveland and Columbus) remodeling contractors. Some of our product lines include glass counters, floors, backsplashes, glass blocks and grout free shower and tub wall panels

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