News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block

Tag: glass bricks

7 smart spring home improvement projects to fall in love with your home again | Innovate Building Solutions

7 Smart Spring Home Improvement Projects to Fall in Love with Your Home Again

  Updated May 25 2021 Are you like me and H-A-T-E winter? “Old-Man-Winter” is finally behind us. Spring temperatures are here. I can smell the Lilac and Korean spice bushes outside my home. Everything is just perfect …. except the abuse winter inflicts on our houses. Now that I’m getting outside... Continue reading

7 crystal-cool was to use glass in a contemporary bathroom | Innovate Building Solutions

7 ½ Crystal-Cool Ways to Use Glass in a Contemporary Bathroom

I’m a big fan of glass. Maybe it’s because I’ve been involved with various products in the glass business since 1985 (wow – that makes me sound old!). The more familiar (and knowledgeable) I become about uses and properties of glass the more I love it. I am not alone in being a glass lover. So why... Continue reading