Introducing New 3D Mosaic Tile Glass Block for Partition Walls

Have you ever seen a mosaic tile that could transmit light? If your answer is no – you are not alone! Fortunately there is an exciting new product called a mosaic tile glass block which can achieve this objective and add a lot of style to a room as well. Learn below about the features, benefits and uses of these new 3 dimensional glass blocks.
What is a mosaic tile glass block?
A mosaic tile block uses a process where tile motifs are added to the face of a light transmitting glass block to add depth and style. This process provides a textured glass surface.
What are the benefits of this type of block? Where can they be used?
These blocks provide the dual benefit of moving light and creating a mosaic tile accent in a room. These units can be used in bathrooms, kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms or in commercial walls, conference rooms etc. Common projects include bathroom windows, kitchen backsplashes, partition walls and shower enclosures.

What sizes, colors and options are available?
These pattern glass blocks are made in a 7 ½” x 7 ½” x 3 1/8” size and are available in clear glass or in blue, siena (light brown) and Nordica (darker brown) colors. For a softer light transmitting effect the blocks can also be frosted.
Are there blocks available to finish off the sides and tops of partition and shower walls?
Yes – there are finished end and double end glass blocks in a smooth faced design which can be paired with the mosaic units. These finishing blocks also come in frosted finishes.

How are these blocks assembled?
There are 3 assembly methods (depending on the application) which can be used:
- Mortar or grout
- Silicone
- Protect all process (note this process which uses horizontal and vertical spacers between the blocks has been gaining popularity recently because it provides the highest level of energy efficiency, security, and is the most water and air tight)
How and where can these blocks be purchased? These blocks can be bought by the piece, in cartons, or in easy to install prefabricated window or wall sections (they are available through Innovate Building Solutions).
What do you think about these 3D mosaic tile glass blocks? Please comment or put your questions below.
Learn More About Frosted Block Windows
To learn more about the frosted protect all glass block windows or get a free estimate on a glass block window, wall or shower project visit or call span itemscope itemtype=””>
Innovate Building Solutions
on a nationwide basis (877) 668-5888) or for a local project their divisions including
Columbus Glass Block
(614) 252-5888),
Cleveland Glass Block
(216) 531-6363),
West Side Glass Block
(216) 398-1020) or
Mid America Glass Block
(513) 742-5900) of Cincinnati or Dayton and Akron
(330) 633-2900).
Ocean Mosaics
Glass tiles have become wildly popular in recent years because of the latest technological breakthroughs in cutting and installation. Glass tiles allows you to harness the beauty of color and light in ways other products simply can’t. Thanks!