Learn how to eliminate bathroom selection mistakes using a bath and shower visualizer. For design assistance or nationwide supply call Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888 or for a Cleveland bathroom remodeling contractor call 216-531-6085.
Learn 15 insider tips for a safer, simpler and more stylish age in place shower. For design assistance or nationwide supply of age in place products call Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888 or for a Cleveland bathtub remodeling contractor call 216-531-6085.
Learn the 13 biggest bathroom remodeling mistakes and how to avoid them (and save money) on your project. For design assistance or nationwide bathroom product supply call Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888 or for a Cleveland bath remodeling contractor call 216-531-6085.
Learn the hot products and trends from KBIS (the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show) 2023. For design assistance or nationwide supply call Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888 or for a Cleveland bathroom remodeling contractor call 216-531-6085.
Learn 7 practical steps to find a custom shower replacement kit. For design assistance or nationwide supply call Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888 or for a Cleveland shower remodeling contractor call 216-531-6085.
If you’d love to have a glass block shower in your new home or bathroom remodel but feel your builder, remodeler or building supply store are clueless about this specialty glass product, you’re not alone. And when contractor and suppliers are ignorant about glass block showers, here’s a few things many of them will try […]
You’ve heard about shower remodeling projects which have become a cesspool of wasted money and taken f-o-r-e-v-e-r to finish. You’ve read about shower design mistakes people have had to put up with for years to come. And perhaps you’ve experienced a shower base, shower wall or exploding glass shower door which has caused you and […]
Are you sick and tired of your shower enclosure? Are you putting up with moldy shower curtains you can’t clean and have caused you to become a ‘regular’ at your Bed, Bath and Beyond store? Or are you the ‘victim’ of wobbly and impossible to clean flimsy shower doors the builder slapped in years ago? […]
Do the words ‘custom shower remodel’ make you break out into a cold sweat? If you’re like most people, it sure does. Custom = Expensive. And expensive IS NOT what you’ve budgeted for your shower remodeling project. It’s simple for costs to get away in a custom remodel. And unless you’re looking to take out […]
Remodeling your bathroom IS NOT something you do every day. And whether you’re looking to pull out your tub and replace it with a shower or looking to remove your yellowed and stained one-piece shower surround and upgrade with a new system – you’ll learn quickly the options are overwhelming. The question becomes how can […]