News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block

Tag: shower design

Rookie mistakes diyers make remodeling a shower | Innovate Building Solutions | #DIYShower #RemodelingShower #BathroomRemodel

5 1/2 Rookie Mistakes DIY’ers Make Remodeling a Shower (and how to prevent them from happening to you)

The saga of a DIY shower remodeling job gone wrong It sounded like a good idea in the beginning. You were determined to save money. Everyone knows you’re a bit frugal (OK – if we’re being downright real, you’re more than a bit cheap – saving money is practically religion for you). So, you took on... Continue reading

Little known tricks to make your shower design and installation simpler | Innovate Building Solutions | #ShowerBase #InstallingAShower #InstallationTips #BathroomRemodelingTips

7 Little Known Tricks to Make Your Shower Design and Installation Simpler

Updated March 31, 2019 Your days are crazy-busy. Now your spouse hits you with their desire (‘er that would be their DEMAND) for a new shower. They tell you your moldy joint, flimsy gold-framed shower enclosure with the teeny-tiny mosaic tiles on the floor has got to go. Worse yet – they’ve elected... Continue reading

The 7 Biggest Blunders You Don't Want to Make Choosing a Shower Pan | Innovate Building Solutions | #ShowerPan #ShowerPanels #DecorativePanels

The 7 Biggest Blunders You Don’t Want to Make Choosing a Shower Pan

Updated July 16, 2023 Since you’re reading this article you deserve a round of applause. Learning about shower pans is as sexy and ‘interesting’ as seeing your Mother in Law ‘attempting’ to look young with a skirt which is too short or pants which are too tight. Not a pretty picture. Certainly not... Continue reading

7 incredibly smart (and 3 incredibly stupid) shower designs you can learn from | Innovate Building Solutions

7 incredibly smart (and 3 incredibly stupid) shower designs you can learn from

Updated December 25, 2018 The difference between a smart shower design and a not-so-bright one is with a smart design you want to spend time in the space. You’d like to linger and enjoy the relaxing message of the water. You want to sit on the bench seat and unwind after a long day taking in the ambiance... Continue reading

7 tricks to turn your tub into an amazing walk in shower | Innovate Building Solutions

7 tricks to turn your tub into an amazing walk in shower

  Updated December 10, 2023 Are you afraid when friends ask to use your bathroom? Worried they might peak behind your dated pink shower curtain and see the “gunked up” (not sure that’s a word) tile grout and rusted cast iron tub which lurks in this dark spooky alcove space you get to “enjoy”... Continue reading