5 Practical (Yet Stylish) Tips to Kid Proof Your Hall Bathroom on a Budget

When you saw the ‘kids’ hall bathroom while visiting the model home in your last neighborhood it looked so nice. The décor was perfect. Everything was fresh and new.
Then the inevitable happened…
Your boys started using the bathroom!
Over the years the fiberglass tub/shower became yellowed with dirt you couldn’t get out…no matter what you tried.
The wood trim deteriorated because the boys never fully closed the shower curtain.
And you can’t forget the water stains you ‘enjoyed’ (sarcasm intended) when the water they let lie on the floor after showering seeped through the tile floor (and floor backer board) and ‘graced’ the ceiling below.
The model home bathroom WAS appealing, but it was NO match for the ‘battle with your boys!’
So now that you’re remodeling (or building a new home) you’re determined to have a hall bathroom design which will stand up to the beating your kids will inflict on it. You’re also determined you won’t blow your budget. To do this you’ll need a space which is built ‘kid-tough.’ You’ll need a space which isn’t an embarrassment you BEG house guest not to peek into.
You need a space which will ‘win’ the battle of the boys (or the girls – don’t want to be ‘too’ sexist here). The question becomes how do you make this (seemingly) impossible dream happen? Here’s 5 practical tips to ‘kid proof’ your hall bathroom without busting your budget.
Tip #1– Start from the ground (‘er floor) up!
The floor of your fiberglass shower pan in your last home was a MESS by the time you left. This is a disaster you’re determined to avoid this time around. A cost-effective, yet-stylish way to do this – with minimal extra cost vs. a ‘builder’s-grade’ fiberglass base, is to use a contemporary acrylic shower pan.
These shower pans (or bases) are not only safe but won’t yellow or get grime and dirt build-up from the boys’ sports activities you can’t get out to save your life.
The bathroom floor was also another soar spot you want in your rear-view mirror. Sure – the one-piece vinyl sheet goods looked nice INITIALLY, it was the EVENTUAL wear and tear which was a PIA for you. You hated how the floor yellowed and the edges started curling up.
A cost-effective (especially if you DIY it) and stylish option is laminate flooring. It won’t yellow like vinyl. It’s built tough enough to withstand dropped curling irons (if your girls are using the bathroom) and resists stains from makeup to nail polish.
Tip #2– Eliminate wood baseboard trim
As you know water and wood aren’t best friends. And constant splashing from the shower onto wood trim lead to deterioration in your last home. This problem can be solved with minimal muss and fuss whey you use composite or vinyl trims between your bathroom floors and walls.
Tip #3– Protect your shower and tub wall surrounds without sacrificing style
Whether you’ve got ‘little tikes’ or ‘hormone-induced teenagers’ – there’s one thing you can count on. That thing is they will show ZERO love to their bathtub or shower surrounds. After all, that’s YOUR JOB as a Mom or Dad to clean the bathroom and tub or shower walls.
What you may not know is there is a way to win this upkeep battle in a hall or kids’ bathroom without sacrificing style (or spending a ton of money). This secret is (and don’t say it too loudly) laminate wall surrounds.
These 2’ x 8’ x 3/8” thick shower or tub wall panels look just like tile, concrete or wood with one BIG exception. They have no ZERO grout joints. You’ll get a stylish space your kids can’t mess up. Say that again, your kids can’t mess up!
Tip #4– Keep the water where it belongs…in the tub or shower
When your boys (or girls for that matter) finally take that shower you’ve been begging them to do, you know keeping the water inside isn’t exactly high (or anywhere) on their priority list. You need products which will move the water where its supposed to go…down the drain and not onto the bathroom floor.
Two smart (yet cost-effective) options are curved shower rods or a tub or a tub screen. Curved shower rods and curtains are cheap, but do a nicer job keeping water inside the tub/shower than a straight standard rod.
A curved shower screen not only adds style, but it keeps water inside the space. And a big bonus is this curved glass tub screen is better priced than you’d think.
Tip #5– Anti-scald shower valves
If you’re like most parents ‘worrier’ could be your middle name. And no matter how hard you try to keep your kids safe Murphy’s Law rules the day. One big concern – especially if you have smaller children, is them being harmed by water temperature settings which are too high. Although scalds account for 20% of all burns, it’s a simple worry to eliminate.
The way to get rid of water temperature concerns is to use an ‘anti-scald valve’. The device works by balancing the pressure between incoming flow of hot and cold water. If there is a shortage of cold water, the equipment senses the difference and regulates hot water pressure. This prevents an overheated water supply from shower heads and most importantly, keeps your kiddos from getting burned.
While your kid’s hall bathroom isn’t exactly the sexiest space in your house, it also doesn’t have to be a disaster.
It’s possible to use a combination of low-maintenance, higher-style and cost-effective products and safer plumbing systems to create a kids’ bathroom which doesn’t look like a train-wreck in a few short years.
How can I (or a member of my team) help you?
If you’d like help designing a kid’s hall bathroom (or master bathroom renovation) with cost-effective shower wall surrounds, acrylic shower pans, or glass tub shields contact Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888.
For bathroom design or remodel installation, call The Bath Doctor in Cleveland at 216-658-1270 or for product supply in Columbus call 614-252-7294.
Mike Foti
Joan – for a walk in shower I would look for grout free shower bases and easy to clean wall panels vs. tile. The main reason for this is because I hate tile grout joints. Other than that the main things to think about are having the right size opening to get in and the right shower glass system to keep the water in. I’ve included a link to a bunch of articles on my site which provide insights on walk in showers – hope they help you more – https://blog.innovatebuildingsolutions.com/?s=walk+in+shower
Joan Unterschuetz
Mike I have been reading your posts for about a year.
Could you help solve an issue with my partner and I.
We are going to totally remodel our bathroom. I want a shower that is large enough for older people to use, ie accommodate a walker.
And is aesthetically pleasing. And a separate bathtub. We have
a large space, enough for both. What material would you choose for a walk in show?