The Pros and Cons of Shower Replacement Kits

Have you been debating whether to buy a shower replacement kit or a custom tile shower? As if selections in a bath remodeling project weren’t hard enough, you also have to get your arms around the right shower for your project!
However, here’s the good news. If you’re looking for the straight scoop on the pros and cons of shower replacement kits you’ve come to the right article.
As a guy who leads a business which wholesales and installs bathroom products and has over 200,000 customers in the history of our business (and yes this DOES make me old and a candidate for Hair Club for Men and Just for Men hair coloring) me and my team have seen the good, the bad, and the downright UGLY of material choices for showers. So, whether you’re buying a shower kit or a tile shower, I really don’t want to see your project land in the ‘ugly’ category.
Towards that end, in section 1 I’ll focus on the ‘pros’ and in section 2 the ‘cons’ of a shower replacement kit.
And if you’re worried about ‘getting taken to the cleaners’ and making a dumb choice which forces you into a BOBO situation (a BOBO is when you buy one shower and ‘get to’ buy another shower shortly thereafter because the first one failed – OUCH!), in section 3 you’ll get practical ideas to NOT SCREW UP if you do decide a shower replacement kit is right for you.
And because not everyone may be clear about what a shower replacement kit is, I’ve provided a definition below.
What is a shower replacement kit?
A shower replacement kit is a common sized shower system (for standard showers or bathtub to shower conversions) which includes (at a minimum) a grout free shower pan and grout free shower wall panels. A ‘complete shower replacement kit’ will also include a glass shower door with the shower base and wall surrounds.
Now, let’s dig into section 1 – the pros of a shower replacement kit.
Section 1 – The pros of a shower replacement kit
The popularity of shower replacement kits is growing as fast as weeds in your lawn, or how often your teenager tells you they ‘need’ something! And check out the pros of this system below to learn why.
Pros of a shower replacement kit – #1) You can get them NOW!
Maybe you ‘sprung a leak’ in your existing shower pan or bathtub and need to get a shower installed ASAP. What’s nice about shower replacement kits is they’re stocked in common sizes – which include 60” x 30”, 60” x 32”, 60” x 36” and 48” x 36” and ready for immediate shipment.
Pros of a shower replacement kit – #2) They’re simple to clean.
If you’ve been fighting with dirty grout joints in your tile shower or have a fiberglass tub/shower combo which is dirty and refuses to get clean – this is where a shower replacement kit can be a godsend. Look for kits made of acrylic, cultured granite, or laminate wall panels which are not only simple to clean after they’re installed – but won’t stain and yellow over time (which is a problem with walls and shower pans made of fiberglass).
Pros of a shower replacement kit – #3) You’ll save money vs. buying the components ‘A la carte’
When do you go to a fancy steak house do you break out in a sweat when you realize EVERYTHING is a la carte. And yes, that’s a fancy french word for ‘we’re going to drain your wallet by charging for every item separately!
And what many people don’t realize is the same problem can happen to you if you buy your shower components (namely a shower base, shower wall surround panels, and a glass shower door) separately. However, when you buy things as a kit you’ll not only save on shipping – but, in addition, most suppliers will sell a group of items (a complete shower kit) at a discount because you’re making a larger purchase.
Pros of a shower replacement kit – #4) You know the components are designed to work together
There’s nothing more frustrating (if you’re DIYing the job) than to find out (after you’ve taken delivery of everything) your shower walls are the wrong size for your shower pan – or your glass door won’t work with your shower pan.
When you buy a complete shower kit (base, wall panels, and glass door) as a system they’re designed to work together. This’ll take the guesswork out of the ordering process. You won’t be put in the uncomfortable (and costly if there’s restock fees) position of attempting to return things.
Pros of a shower replacement kit – #5) It’s easier – and more time-effective to install. This’ll save you time (if you’re DIYing) or installation costs (if you’re hiring a professional contractor)
Who’d rather be golfing, shopping, or vegging out with a series on Netflix vs. laboring over a bathroom remodel? That’d be everybody.
And if you decide you want a custom tile shower – no matter if you’re DIYing it -or hiring a contractor be prepared for a looooong process! And if you’ve hired a reputable contractor the installation price WILL NOT be cheap!
Since shower replacement kits include grout free shower pans, and wall panel surrounds which are either glued onto moisture resistant greenboard or mechanically fastened to plywood they’re far more time-effective to get ‘er done (as Larry the Cable Guy would say) than a custom tile shower.
Pros of a shower replacement kit – #6) You’ll get a longer warranty than a custom tile shower
One of the things which blows me away is how rarely people pay attention to the warranty of a custom tile shower. And let’s face it – custom tile shower can (and do) fail. And if they do, you won’t be the luckiest man (or woman) in the world – a la a Dos Equis commercial!
And this is a prime reason people like shower kits. Since the shower kits are made with grout free products which don’t absorb moisture (which is the #1 reason tile showers fail)– you’ll get warranties which far exceed what a contractor will give you (assuming they even give you one at all) for a custom tile shower.
Pros of a shower replacement kit – #7) You won’t be searching high and low for a tile setters. And if you use the right system you can get cool tile patterns at budget-friendly prices.
High-quality tile setters are becoming the ‘rock stars’ of the construction world. They’re uber-hard to find (because the best remodelers and builders already have their schedules ‘filled to the rim with Brim’ -ok, sorry for the ‘old TV commercial analogy. However, that’s sometimes where my mind takes me, but for a blast from the past check out the Brim commercial below) and they won’t come cheap.
When you use a modular shower system the installation skill level goes down (‘er this should translate into more affordable pricing). And if you find the right shower wall panels (like the laminate wall panels below) you can even get ‘fancy-schmancy’ tile patterns at grout free wall panel pricing.
Pros of a shower replacement kit – #8) You won’t be dying to get the contractor out of your home!
There’s nothing worse than the never-ending remodeling job (and I’ll bet a few of you are nodding your heads in aggravation and agreement RIGHT NOW) where the contractor takes FOREVER to finish.
And let’s face it – even with the best contractor in town – if a job is complex it’ll take longer. And no matter how nice the crews are, you’d really like them out of your home and to return to your normal routine ASAP.
So – when you eliminate tile from your bathroom job – you can shed 3 days off the shower installation alone! Then combine this with a luxury vinyl plank floor (vs. a tile bathroom floor)– and you won’t be ‘living’ with a contractor whose becoming a permanent fixture in your home (a la Eldon the Painter in the old Murphy Brown sitcom).
Pros of a shower replacement kit – #9) Your home will stay healthier.
When it comes to your home, grout joints are an enemy. Without resealing and cleaning they’re prone to mold. And who actually reseals their tile shower? I can’t think of a single person I know who does this. Basically – in my book mold should be a 4-letter dirty word (‘er literally!).
When you use a grout free shower replacement kit, you’ll do away with evil grout joints.
Since every system has its pros AND CON’S, let’s now to turn to section 2 and the cons of a shower replacement kit.
Section 2 – The cons of a shower replacement kit
Cons of a shower replacement kit – #1) You can’t get the most personalized designs you can with a tile shower!
There’s a reason people love, love, love their tile showers. And the #1 reason is style.
You can create literal works of art with tile or stone showers.
With a talented tile setter (and a big budget) you can go ‘100% Burger King’ and ‘Have it Your Way!’ Now if you could only use O.P.M. (Other People’s Money) to pay for it!
Cons of a shower replacement kit – #2) Too many shower replacement kits are CHEAP….and NOT in a good way!
If you’ve ever stepped on a plastic (fiberglass or acrylic) shower pan which squeaked you know that’s NOT a good thing.
Or if you’ve visited a home center and seen shower wall panels which were wafer-thin and thought, I’d never put that junk in my house, you’ve seen examples of shower replacement kits which will not win any awards or be featured in interior design magazines.
And one negative is some shower replacement kits use cheap products to give you a cheap price. And while cheap can be OK – if you’re flipping the home or it’s a spare bathroom you seldom use, most people want a good value – not CHEAP.
So, before you rush to put money down on a shower replacement kit which looks nice in pictures on the Internet – dig into the details to make sure you know what you’re getting. And to learn how to compare shower kits – check out– How to NOT screw up buying a shower replacement kit in section 3.
Cons of a shower replacement kit – #3) The ‘kit’ may not be complete!
You’ve heard the saying “the proof is in the pudding,” or “the devil is in the details.” And oh, how true this is with shower kits because shower replacement kits are NOT created equal.
For example, one big difference is many kits don’t include a shower door. And a shower door is a major cost element.
Or you may find you’re SOL when you look for (without success) the drain for the shower pan.
Or you may find the shower surround panels don’t reach the ceiling or extend past the shower pan creating more installation work (for your contractor) and more maintenance (for you).
Before buying remember the Latin phrase – Caveat Emptor (which means in plain English, let the buyer beware!). And…
Do your homework BEFORE plunking down your money!
Cons of a shower replacement kit – #4) Selections may be limited.
What if you’d like a shower pan which isn’t white.
Or what if you want your shower wall panel pattern to make a splash (yes, another bad shower pun intended).
Or what if you want a door which won’t show spots like you see with the least expensive chrome shower doors included in many kits?
See if you have choices in the shower kit you’re considering– which won’t jack the price up – but will give you a shower you can be proud of and will be the simplest to maintain.

Cons of a shower replacement kit – #5) Standard kits won’t work with a custom shower or even standard sized shower which needs a custom drain location
Standard shower replacement kits can be perfect if you’re doing a bathtub to shower conversion which has a ‘predictable’ drain location on the side of the tub.
And standard shower replacement kits work well when you’re replacing a cheap 48” x 36” or 60” x 36” fiberglass tub/shower unit the original builder installed with a center drain.
However, you may be the unlucky one to not have a common situation.
Maybe you’re replacing an old tile shower a previous owner threw up (maybe this isn’t a good choice of words….) in the basement which look hideous.
Or you have a custom tile walk in shower in your master bathroom which isn’t an ‘alcove style’ (with 3 interior shower wall surrounds and a curb along the front).
These are situations where ‘standard’ won’t work.
Before you give up hope on buying a shower kit, I’ve got good news for you. Read “How to Find a High Quality Custom Shower Replacement Kit…which Doesn’t Cost You an Arm and a Leg!” In this article you’ll get practical ideas (and links to products and people) to get a grout free shower replacement kit which will work in a ‘non-standard’ (and note – I’m using this work vs. the word ‘custom’ to not freak you out) project.
And finally – because you’re considering a shower replacement kit – and since most of you have never bought one before, the last thing you want is to invest money and find out – after the fact – you received a pile of junk. To prevent this problem from happening to you, read section 3 below – How to NOT screw up buying a shower replacement kit.
Section 3 – How to NOT screw up buying a shower replacement kit
Many people talk about FOMO (the Fear of Missing Out), but not enough people talk about FOSU (the Fear of Screwing Up).
And it happens to all of us (especially in the age of ‘fake stuff’ on the Internet) to be worried before spending money. After all, who knows what – and whom – to believe.
So, if you’re considering buying a shower replacement kit – and DO NOT want to screw up how can you accomplish this goal?
Start by reading How to Choose the Best Shower Replacement Kit. In this article you’ll learn not only how to compare systems to make sure you’re getting a good value, but you’ll get in-depth advice about the components of a complete shower kit – including the shower pan, wall surround panels, glass door options, and accessories.
So, are you a fan or foe of a shower replacement kit? How can our team assist with questions, wholesale pricing, or a referral to a bath remodeling contractor?
After reading about the pros and cons of shower replacement kits do you see this as a good option for your project? Comment below with your thoughts or questions.
And if you’re looking for technical input or pricing for a shower replacement kit, contact a Shower Specialist at Innovate Building Solutions (and yes, I’ll admit this is my team!) at 877-668-5888 or request a Free Consultation.
And if you’re a bathroom contractor, a kitchen and bath showroom, or multi-unit property owner (or buyer) looking to purchase standard or custom shower kits or stylish shower walls call me at 888-467-7488 or visit the wall panel dealership or multi-unit wall panel supply areas of our site.
And lastly if you’re looking for an Akron or Cleveland shower remodeling contractor to professionally install a shower kit for you, call 216-531-6085.
Thanks for reading and learning about the pros and cons of shower replacement kits and living through my ‘attempted’ humor. There’s more to this subject than meets the eye, and I hope my article has shed light and helped you to how to figure out if this is the right option for you.