News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block

Category: Shower and Bathtub Wall Panels

The options in shower wall panels can seem endless – laminate wall panels, solid surface, acrylic and PVC composite to name a few. In these posts learn how to compare and contrast popular system, which are simplest to install and how much you can expect to spend.

Pinterest 11 cool low maintenance alcove shower ideas | Innovate Building Solutions | #ShowerRemodel #AlcoveShower #WalkInShower #BathroomRemodel

11 Cool Alcove Shower Ideas If you HATE Cleaning and DON’T Have an Unlimited Budget

Anyone can make a 60” x 30” or 60” x 32” alcove shower (this would be a standard-sized shower with 3 inside walls) beautiful IF they have unlimited funds. But for most of us, unlimited funds IS NOT our reality! And I know you not only want a shower which fits into your budget, but also one which is... Continue reading

Pinterest image 9 smart alternative shower walls to ceramic tile laminate | Innovate Building Solutions | #Showerbase #ShowerWallpanels #bathroomRemodel #TileShower

9 Smart Alternatives to a Ceramic Tile Shower Which Won’t Make You Say…. YUCK!

I know many of you are frustrated with your ceramic tile showers. You’re DESPERATELY seeking alternatives. You’ve ‘had it up to here’ (as my Mom used to say when she was mad at us) with moldy, dirty, hard-to-clean tile grout joints. However, even though you hate your tile shower, you’re NOT OK replacing... Continue reading

Pinterest image how to win the battle of the sexes in bathroom remodel | Innovate Building Solutions | #BathroomRemodel #Shower #BathroomShower #SharingBathroom #MasterBath

How to Win the Battle of the Sexes AND Get What You Want in Your Bathroom Remodel

As a guy who leads a business which wholesales and installs bathroom products, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen men and women (husbands, wives and partners) bicker over their bathroom remodeling project. Fortunately, I’ve never seen anyone (thus far) comes to blows over the project. That’s... Continue reading

Pinterest 11 faq about tub to shower conversions | Innovate Building Solutions | #ShowerConversion #TubShower #Bathroomremodel #ShowerRemodel

11 Frequently Asked Questions about Tub to Shower Conversions to Save You Time, Money & Aggravation

Updated January 2, 2022 You’ve (almost) convinced yourself to ditch your tub and convert to a shower. After all you never use the tub anyway. You’re also worried about your spouse falling while climbing into your tub/shower. And your tub surround and tub have seen their better days…years ago! However,... Continue reading

Pinterest image 11 smart ideas for a small bathroom won't bust the budget | Innovate Building Solutions | #BathroomRemodel #ShowerRemodel #SmallBathroom #TinyBathroom

11 Smart Ideas to ‘Find’ Space in Your Small Bathroom…without busting your budget

You dream of the ‘drool-worthy’ pictures on Pinterest and Instagram. Expansive and opulent master bathrooms with free standing tubs and large walk in showers. The vanity countertops seem to stretch on for miles. Oh, how you would enjoy a large bathroom like this. Then you wake up. This IS NOT the... Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of a Ceramic Tile Shower (and better options if you’ve had it up to here with tile).

Tile showers are controversial. OK, maybe not as controversial as picking a United States President, but I’ve seen their pros and cons cause knock-down drag, out fights between couples during a bathroom remodeling job. They’ll debate (that’s another word for argue) if it makes more sense to get a... Continue reading

Pinterest Opening The 1 thing missing in your spa bathroom design you'll regret | Innovate Building Solutions | #SpaBathroom #BathroomDesign #OasisBathroom

The 1 Thing Missing in Your Spa Bathroom Design You’re Going to Regret

You’ve seemingly thought of everything. You’ve found the perfect distressed wood, matte finish minimalist vanity. You’ve found the perfect brushed nickel and matte black handles and shower heads to add interest, yet a relaxed feeling to the room. You’ve included dimmers, a cool pendant light and bought... Continue reading

image how to compare dumawall and fibo laminate wall panels | Innovate Building Solutions | #ShowerWallPanels #Dumawall #FiboWallPanels #BathroomRemodel

How to Compare Dumawall vs. Laminated Wall Panels for a DIY Shower or Tub Surround

Updated January 17 2021 Choices are a wonderful thing…until they’re NOT! Choices are wonderful until you read one-sided, ‘pitch-oriented’ web pages which brag how their car, dress or tub or shower wall panels are the best thing to hit the United States since Kanye West decided to run for President... Continue reading

Pinterest image Kohler Choreograph Wall Panels Discontinued | innovate Building Solutions | #BathroomRemodel #Kohler #Choreograph #WallPanels

Kohler Choreograph Shower and Tub Wall Panels Discontinued – What Alternatives Do You Have Now?

I was mildly surprised to read a letter sent to me by one of my dealers. The letter from Kohler Company announced they were stopping manufacturing Choreograph shower and tub wall panels effective immediately. The reason cited was COVID 19 and unexpectedly higher demand for another of their wall panel... Continue reading