11 Frequently Asked Questions about Tub to Shower Conversions to Save You Time, Money & Aggravation

Updated January 2, 2022
You’ve (almost) convinced yourself to ditch your tub and convert to a shower. After all you never use the tub anyway. You’re also worried about your spouse falling while climbing into your tub/shower. And your tub surround and tub have seen their better days…years ago!
However, you’re still not ready to pull the trigger and replace the tub. You have questions about cost. You wonder if this project will reduce your resale value. You wonder how to design the shower, so it works –today and into the future.
You’ve visited many bathroom remodeling contractor websites ‘pitching’ you on their tub to shower conversion service. They offer big discounts and financing specials when you ‘sign up now.’ However, your questions linger. These ‘pitch-driven’ web pages aren’t making things clearer for you. Their focus is SELLING YOU NOW with their (supposed) deals of a lifetime!
You’d like to tell these sites, “Whoa Nellie, I have a few questions first.” You’re determined not to waste your time or money until you have clear answers to your questions about tub to shower conversions. And this is EXACTLY what this article is about.
From my years leading a business wholesaling shower materials across the country and who also has a division which does tub to shower conversions in Cleveland Ohio, I know there’s a lot to know to make an educated decision about tub to shower conversion.
So, in this article my goal will be to give you the ‘straight scoop’ to make a thoughtful decision (which saves you time, money and aggravation) about tub to shower conversions. Let’s dig into these 11 frequently asked questions.
FAQ #1 about tub to shower conversions– Will getting rid of my tub reduce my resale value?
You’ve heard the ‘age-old’ realtor wisdom you have to have a bathtub for ‘resale.’ And I’ll grant you it’s ‘safer’ to have one bathroom with a tub to check the ‘home has a tub box’ before listing your home. However, I’ll also tell you it really depends on who(m) the target market is for your home. If your market is young families with small children, then a tub is a must. If your market is 50+ couples – the exact opposite logic applies. The shower will be preferred.
And if you want more input on this topic read 4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Listen to Your Realtor – (why a shower is better than a tub – even for resale).
FAQ #2 about tub to shower conversions– How much is the installed cost of a tub to shower conversion?
Just like your Dad used to say you’re ‘not made of money!’ And you don’t want to invest a lot of time researching a ‘Cleveland tub to shower conversion‘ (or any town for that matter) if it’s out of your budget.
And while I could give you the ‘cop-out’ answer the installed costs of a tub to shower conversion project depends on a lot of variables (including what materials you choose, local labor rates and if you need to make significant changes in the plumbing) that doesn’t help you one ‘iota’ (whatever the heck an iota is).
So, here’s what I will tell you. Most installed bathtub to shower conversion projects in Cleveland Ohio (which is one of the markets we install in) range from $6,000 to $10,000 (including a new valve, shower head, shower pan and shower wall surrounds). And if you DIY this job, you’ll likely cut these costs in half. And if you want to do a tub to shower conversion project AND save money AND not get stuck with a cheap-looking shower, then research high quality shower kits. With higher quality shower kits (like you’ll see below), you’ll get a sturdy stone (or acrylic) shower pan, 3/8″ thick shower wall panels and sturdy 3/8″ thick glass shower doors!

FAQ #3 about tub to shower conversions– Now that I’ve given you the bad news about costs, you may be wondering how you can save money on this project?
Whether you’re looking to DIY your tub to shower conversion, or have it professionally installed, here’s 5 money-saving tips you can use to keep a lid on costs.
- Money-saving tip #1 – Don’t move the plumbing. Moving plumbing has a major impact on cost (especially if you have a concrete floor or have a joist located exactly where you’d like the drain to go). Keep costs down by installing your new shower where your old tub was.
- Money saving tip #2 – Use grout free wall panels vs. ceramic tile surrounds – A tile shower adds a lot of cost if you’re having this project professionally installed. Shower wall panels are faster to install. They cut labor costs. And you’ll also find there are new generation wall panels which look exactly like tile (like the ones below).
- Money saving tip #3 – Don’t be afraid to get dusty and do your own demo – While demo is a dirty job, it doesn’t require much skill and can save you a few dollars.
- Money saving tip #4 – Use a solid one-piece shower pan vs. a tile shower floor – A professionally installed tile shower floor pan is time consuming vs. the simplicity of a one-piece pan. With a cultured stone shower pan you’ll also get one which is as solid as a rock.
- Money saving tip #5 – Use standard sized glass doors and wall surrounds – Since most tubs are 60” wide you’ll be able to find standard shower glass doors kits vs. enlarging the shower and needing custom glass and walls.
FAQ #4 about tub to shower conversions– How long does it take to complete this project?
For a professionally installed tub to shower conversion allow 2 to 3 days for completion (note: this will include the installation of new plumbing valve, shower head and a glass enclosure with shower wall surround panels). On the other hand, if you do a tile shower add 3 or 4 more days.
FAQ #5 about tub to shower conversions– How can I reduce the chance of mold and mildew in my new shower?
Perhaps there’s no time in our lives where we understand the negative impacts of bacteria than today. Living through a pandemic is something most of us (certainly me included) never even considered.
However, understanding the negative impact of bacteria is one thing but developing strategies to minimize bad bacteria is another.
And while I won’t claim to be a ‘Junior Dr. Fauci’ (although I am Italian like the good Doctor)– it’s easy to understand mold and mildew in our bathrooms IS NOT OUR LITTLE ‘FRE (as Tony Montana might have said in the movie Scarface). So, what can you do to reduce this problem in your bathtub to shower conversion?
The simplest way is to get rid of grout joints. These would be grout joints in your shower pan and shower walls. And if you’re saying right now, “But Mike, I DON’T WANT UGLY PLASTIC MATERIALS,” I’m totally with you.
Look at stylish grout free products like laminate shower wall panels and textured stone shower pans. They’re stylish. They’re maintenance free. They keep the mold and mildew out.
FAQ #6 about tub to shower conversions– I’d like seating in my new shower, what’s the best option?
I’m asked all the time about installing bench seats in a tub to shower conversion and I’ll tell you what I tell others….
I’m not a fan of bench seating in tub to shower conversions!
And you may be wondering what I’ve got against bench seating. Well – I don’t like how they eat 20-25% of the shower space. And I don’t like how they require more expensive glass packages since the glass has to ‘climb over’ the tub deck (see what I mean from this stylish – yet expensive – system below).
OK – you may be saying, “But Mike I NEED seating in my new shower to shave my legs. I need seating so my Mom can sit while showering. I need some type of seating!” I get it. I get it. And I’ve got 2 better solutions than a bench seat for you.
- Solution #1 – The corner seat – It takes far less room, yet still gives you seating.
- Solution #2 – The fold down seat. It offers more ‘butt-room’ than a corner seat yet occupies no space when it’s not in use.
FAQ #7 about tub to shower conversions– I hate contractors in my home (especially now). How can I reduce the amount of time this job takes?
Every ‘non-delusional contractor’ knows even if you love us, you really don’t want us in your home. Let’s face facts….
Contractors are an imposition. They get in the way of living freely in your home. And if you have a touch of O.C.D. you might chime in and say… remodeling is messy.
When you have contractors in your home – not only are they expensive – but you can’t be as uninhibited as you normally are. You might even feel you need to be ‘somewhat presentable’ in your own home! You can’t even wear your oh-so-comfortable t-shirt with all the holes around your house.
So, how can you make sure the time to do a tub to shower conversion is as short as possible BEFORE your contractor starts kicking up dust? Here’s 4 ideas:
- Idea #1 – Make sure the materials are on site BEFORE the project begins. Make sure everything is in good condition.
- Idea #2 – Make sure your contractor is experienced. Don’t hire a boy (or girl) to do the job of a man (or woman). Hiring the cheapest rookie contractor you can find to save a few bucks is a recipe for disaster.
- Idea #3 – Discuss with your contractor (before the project begins) what the plan would be if they find a rotten subfloor, or there’s mold behind the walls. How would these problems be handled? How would they impact the schedule? Have these conversations BEFORE a problem occurs.
- Idea #4 – Use materials which are time-effective to install like grout free wall panels and one-piece shower pans.
FAQ #8 about tub to shower conversions– I’d like to convert my tub to a walk-in shower. What’s the best way to make sure the water stays inside the shower and doesn’t end up on the bathroom floor?
Cleaning water from your bathroom floor not only isn’t fun, but it can cause leaks in the floor, and onto the furniture, in the room below. Water outside the shower is not good (states Captain Obvious).
So, if you’re looking to convert to a walk-in shower you need a game-plan to keep the water in the areas of your bathroom which are waterproofed. But how? Here’s 3 strategies to keep your ‘head above water’ (yes, this bad pun was intended).
- Strategy #1 – Choose the right shower head(s) – Look for shower heads which won’t spray water outside the shower opening. One option is to use a rain head which is directed down vs. a stationary shower head which is spraying at you. Another is a hand-held shower.
- Strategy #2 – Use curved or pivoting glass – A cool thing about sliding curved glass door (or pivoting glass) is the glass is angled into the shower which bounces water back towards the drain (and not outside the shower).
- Strategy #3 – Choose the right curb height for your shower pan or build a waterproof one level shower- If you’re going with a one-piece shower pan (which will be most cost-effective) don’t choose the lowest curb threshold. Go with a mid-height (2” to 3” tall) or a full height curb (4” or 5” tall) to keep the water inside. And if you want no curb at all find a waterproof one level shower
FAQ #9 about tub to shower conversions– Is it best to build a ceramic tile shower or use grout free shower wall panels?
While you can inject a HUGE amount of creativity into a tile shower, they’re a pain to maintain, take a long time to build, are prone to leaking and expensive.
Personally, I’m a big fan of grout free laminate wall panels and PVC composite panels. They look realistic. They save time and money. However, when choosing between tile and shower wall panels there’s a number of factors to consider. This is why I’d recommend ‘digging deeper’ and reading (or click on the image below) How to Compare a Ceramic Tile Surround vs. Laminate Shower Wall Panels.
FAQ #10 about tub to shower conversions– How can I make a larger shower without dramatically increasing cost?
As we’ve discussed earlier when you want to keep costs down it’ll be best if your new shower goes into the same space where the old tub was. However, given this tip you may wonder then how it’s also possible to make a larger shower WITHOUT customizing and draining your wallet in the process?
Well – a fantastic way to do this is to use a curved shower base and curved sliding glass doors designed specifically for a bathtub to shower conversion. They have the same drain location as your old tub. They also ‘bow out’ so you get a roomier shower in the same place where the old tub was. Ingenious.
FAQ #11 about tub to shower conversions– Why am I better off with a shower than a tub?
If you’ve read the previous 10 frequently asked questions and you’re still uncertain about why a shower is better than a tub, consider these benefits.
- Showers are safer to walk into (and can keep your loved ones out of the hospital).
- Showers use less water. It’s estimated a 10-minute shower uses 25 gallons of water vs. filling a tub requires 35 to 50 gallons.
- You’ll have more space in the shower vs. the tub.
- Showers are easier to clean.
- Few people use a tub anymore.
So, now that you’ve read the 11 frequently asked questions about tub to shower conversions are you ‘sold’ they’re right for you?
My goal with this article was to make your decision clearer if a tub to shower is right for you. So, after reading this article – are you sold converting your bathtub into a shower is a good idea? And – equally as important, are you confident where to get practical (and honest) answers to your questions about this project (whether you’re looking to DIY the job, or have it professionally installed)?
If you’d still like a ‘tour guide’ to help, my business Innovate Building Solutions would love to assist. And here’s how.
If you’re looking to DIY, we can get you wholesale direct pricing on grout free shower pans, wall panels and distinctive glass enclosures. Or if you want a higher level of saving – buy a complete shower kit. Call 877-668-5888 or click for Free Shower Design Advice.
If you’re in Cleveland or Akron Ohio and trying to find a contractor to convert a tub to a walk in shower, we’d be happy to come to your home, discuss your needs, educate you on products and systems and install the job for you. Call our Cleveland bath remodeling contractor division at 216-658-1270 or click for a Free bath to shower conversion estimate.
And finally, if you’re not a DIY’er and don’t live in Cleveland Ohio comment at the bottom of this post where you live, and we’ll see if one of our authorized wall panel and shower pan dealers can assist (or call 877-668-5888).
Thanks for reading. I’m looking forward to helping you further.
If you want more advice (with a little less wacky humor because you’ll see the ‘buttoned-up’ business version of me) follow me on LinkedIn @MikeFoti.
Mike Foti
Carol – call our office at 877-668-5888 and one of our team can compare with you our dealer list to see if we have a contractor close to you. If not – we could wholesale the product to you and work with your contractor. Thanks – Mike
Carol Kirkland
Hi there. In Lompoc California. Anything close?
Mike Foti
John – we do have dealers in South Carolina. Call our office and we can go over the list with you. We can be reached at 877-668-5888 – Mike
John Ricci
Do you have dealers in Charleston SC?
Mike Foti
Yes – we do have dealers in Atlanta. I’d recommend calling our office and our team can review the list with you. You can call 877-668-5888 – Mike
D. Mitchell
Hi Mike,
Do you have any dealers in the Atlanta, GA or Decatur, GA area?
Mike Foti
Laurie – call our office at 877-668-5888. I do think we have an installing dealer who can help you. Mike
Laurie Clemmer
Looking for a tub to shower conversion in Sellersville, PA (Bucks County, between Philadelphia and Allentown). Do you have anyone near me?
Mike Foti
Ronda – thanks for your comment. Yes – we have dealers in Alabama. There are dealers in Brownboro, Mobile and Gulf Shores. I would suggest you call our office at 877-668-5888 and one of our team can look at how wide their service area is to see if they can help you. Thanks for reading my blog and your interest in our products! Mike
I live in North Alabama. Any dealers/installers in my area?
Mike Foti
Pam – we’d be glad to help with that. Feel free to call us at 877-668-5888. Mike
Looking to convert my 99 year old mother’s tub to shower in Silver Spring, MD.
Mike Foti
Kit – thanks for your nice comments – I’m glad to add some fun to the bathroom research process! We do have a number of dealers in Virginia. Feel free to call our office at 877-668-5888 and we can see which of our installing dealers is closest to you – or I’ll send you an email and you can contact me directly. Mike
Kit Wilkinson
I live in Fredericksburg Virginia and would love to find a contractor to do a bath to shower conversion using your panels and shower pans. Know anyone nearby? Thanks. You really make it fun to research this Reno!
Mike Foti
Tia – I would recommend the old tile be removed first. You want to make sure there isn’t any moisture behind the tile walls – so it’s safest to remove the old tile and tile backer board.
Regarding dealers – I have a very good dealer in Decatur IL and I’m going to send you an email with his contact information to see if he can help you out. Thanks for reading my articles and I’m glad you’re finding them of value! Mike
Wonderful articles. 2 questions- our current tub is wall to wall tile, are u able to put the walls right over it or would we need to demo that out first? 2nd question-
I’m in east Peoria IL do you have anyone in the area that can help me. Tia!
Mike Foti
Joe – thanks for your interest in our products. While we don’t have a dealer yet in Houston, I could gladly work with your contractor and get them familiar with our system and provide the products to them (and maybe they would become our first dealer in Houston!). Feel free to reach out to us for more help at 877-668-5888 – Mike
Joe Petrovich
I live in Houston Texas and would like to know of a company here that would be interested in doing my shower an tub conversion,the only thing I ask is reasonable prices,honest , work done in 2 or three days if possible
Mike Foti
Hello Ray – we do have dealers in many markets – but I’ll need to get an idea of where you live to see if we have a laminate wall panel dealer in your area. I’ll send you a direct email to see where you live or you can call our office at 877-668-5888 and one of our team can assist – thanks for reading – Mike
Ray Hoover
Hi Mike, you’re written a very informative article!
I’d like the name and number of a local licensed contractor that does the complete project from demo to me turning the shower on!
I’m interested in a ceramic bath/shower removal to a laminated panel walk in shower!
Wishing you the best,
Ray Hoover
Mike Foti
DM – we don’t (as of yet) have a dealer in Rhode Island – but if you know of a contractor who is looking for a stylish wall panel system which is not difficult to install – I’d love to talk to them about being a dealer. Let us know if we can be of further assistance to you – Mike (877-668-5888)
Who can you recommend in RI for a tub conversion?
Mike Foti
Nikki – there is a company I can recommend for you and their name is Dublin Design. I’ll send you a separate email about this – Mike
Nikki S
I’m in Columbus Ohio and am looking at converting, are there dealers here?
Mike Foti
Colleen – we do have some dealers in PA – so feel free to call us at 877-668-5888 and we can look at our dealer list and see if any of them are close enough to you. Thanks for your nice comments – Mike
Colleen Baker
Great article and advice. My husband, who’s 81, needs to have a walk-in shower instead of trying to step up into the tub to take a shower. We had a Rep from Re-Bath come and we were quoted over $12,000 to take everything down to the studs and re-build. That is for basic laminate panels, new faucets and showerhead and grab bars. No glass doors included in that price and he said they were unsafe for elderly people so we would have a shower curtain.
We live in Hermitage, PA and if you know of a contractor in our area, I’d like to hear from them. Thank you.
Mike Foti
Gary – we do have 3 dealers in the Maryland market – but I’m not sure if any of them cover Baltimore. If you call our office at 877-668-5888 our team can get you their information – thanks – Mike
Mike Foti
Bethany – thanks for reading the blog. We have a dealer in Seattle – but he hasn’t been too active with us as of yet. However, feel free to call our office and we’ll get you his contact information. You can reach us at 877-668-5888 – Mike
Mike Foti
We have a dealer called Unique Bath Designs which may be able to help you. Please call our office at 877-668-5888 so we can get you more details – Mike
Mike Foti
Aimee – we have dealers in Boynton Beach, Tampa, and Deerfield Beach – if any of these areas are close to you – call our office and we can get your more specifics on these dealers. Our office number is 877-668-5888 – Mike (if they’re too far away we can also talk to your contractor and help guide them through the installation .
Aimee Esco
Thinking of a Tub to Shower Conversion. Any recommendations in the Clearwater Beach, FL area?
Mike Foti
Scott – we’d be glad to assist you with this. Feel free to call us at 877-668-5888. We have shower wall panels, shower pans and glass doors to assist in this project – Mike
I want to convert my tub to a shower and am on a slab, will I have to move the drain
Janice Ivey
We live outside Austin, Texas and want to do tub to shower conversion. Anyone in this area?
Gary Ault
I’m sold on your products, but live in Baltimore, MD. Do you have any installers in our area?
Bethany Hanson
I’ve been reading your blog for a while and it’s great! It’s helped me decide what I want to do with my bathroom. I would love to know if you have recommendations for an installer in Seattle, WA
Mike Foti
Lisa – we do have dealers who could help you in North Carolina. Just call our office and one of our team can go over the list with you to see which company would be best. You can reach us at 877-668-5888 – Mike
I live in Walnut Cove, NC and are thinking about and possibly in search for a contractor to convert our tub to shower. Would really appreciate some suggestions.
Mike Foti
David – give our office a call and we can look on our dealer list to give you some names. We do have dealers in Florida.
Thanks – Mike
I live in St. Petersburg, FL (Tampa Bay) and wonder if there are installers in the area?
Mike Foti
Charlene – thanks for your email. I’m glad you’ve been following our site and emails! I can certainly have one of my reps follow up with you. His name is Dylan. I’m going to send you an email and we’ll exchange phone numbers and get things rolling – I’ll also share my contact information as well – thanks – Mike
Charlene Zellers
I have been following your site and receive your updated info emails. We have been in pandemic mode for our already demoed master bath 2 yrs in Sept…. we do have a 2nd bath, Thank goodness. I have put off contacting your company for too long.
1. We are in northcentral Williamsport Pa. Do you have any dealers/contractors in our area?
2. Can one of your reps call or email for a consult? I have pics and dimensions of the room.
Over ready to get this completed.!!
Thank you
Mike Foti
Sydney – thanks for your email. While we do have dealers of our product, we don’t have any in San Diego. However, with this being said – if you like any of our products we’d be glad to work with your contractor supplying materials. What I might suggest is to do an Internet search for ‘bath to shower conversions San Diego’ and I’m sure you’ll turn up people. Thanks for reading the post – Mike
We also live in San Diego and are in search for a contractor to convert our tub to shower. Would really appreciate some suggestions.
Mike Foti
Sandra – we have several dealers in your state – but unfortunately don’t have one in San Diego yet. However, we have found a lot of our dealers when an owner like you tells the contractor they like a product and then we work with this contractor on the installation process. Feel free to contact us – or have your contractor call and we’d be glad to assist you – Mike 877-668-5888
Sandra O’Brien
Great articles. Thank you taking the time to write and publish, very helpful. I live in San Diego, CA and I’m having a difficult time finding a professional to do a tub to shower conversion using a shower enclosure kit. So if you have any recommendations on where I can hire someone t would appreciate your help.
Thank you,
Mike Foti
Thais – glad you enjoyed the article – and maybe a laugh along the way (being too serious in life is overrated – IMHO). We can provide these panels Thais to you or your contractor and give you insights about the installation process. I’m going to have one of our team follow up about the samples to get this moving for you. Thanks – Mike (if you want to get the samples going quicker feel free to call 877-668-5888 – we’re kind of backed up now and COVID has causes some of our team to miss work – Mike
Thais Abernethy-McClure
Enjoyed your humor. We live in Floyd VA. Love your panels and looking for pricing and a way to ship to us. I requested samples of the panels and of course I’ll need literature regarding what I will need for remodeling “tub to shower” simply. We have a contractor friend that has not worked with your product but we can learn. Don’t have a website since I’m a private owner. Do you sell to individuals or just through companies. We do have a lumber co. that sells all type of construction materials that we can go through when that time comes. Interested in a 2-wall rectangular 32×60 plus glass enclosure. Thanks again