News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block

Category: Accessible Aging in Place Remodeling

These posts will give you insider tips and advice for the best shower pans, wall surrounds, glass doors, and accessories for an age in place shower or bathroom remodel

Blog Post - Opening image - The 13 biggest bathroom remodeling mistakes | Innovate Building Solutions #BathroomRemodeling #ShowerRemodel #WaterproofLaminateWallPanels

The 13 Biggest Bathroom Remodeling Mistakes (and how to avoid them AND not break the bank)

Bathroom remodeling IS NOT something you do every day (or hopefully every year or two either). So, when you’ve finally had it (AND convinced your penny-pinching spouse enough is enough) and are ready to redo your bathroom, the last thing you want to do is make costly mistakes. However, the problem... Continue reading

Blog Post - Opening image 10 Ideas Accessible Shower Bath Remodel | Innovate Building Solutions #AccessibleShower #BathRemodel #ShowerRemodel

10 Little Known Ideas to Take the UGLY (and institutional) Out of an Accessible Shower and Bathroom

Nobody – and I mean nobody – wants to have their personal bathroom remind them of a hospital room! But when people think about an accessible shower or an accessible (or age in place) bathroom they get visions, not of sugarplums, but of hospital grab bars, ramps and ugly plasticky white showers dancing... Continue reading

Blog Post - Opening image How to Choose an Age in Place Bathroom Contractor | Innovate Building Solutions #BathroomRemodeling #ShowerRemodeling #HandicapAccessibleBathroom

How to Choose an Age in Place or Home Accessibility Bathroom Remodeling Contractor

I don’t mean to be ‘Danny Downer’ or anything but for older adults, falls are a big problem. Consider these statistics from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control). 36 million older adults fall each year. Of this group, 32,000 die. 1 out of 4 older adults will fall each year. 1 out of 5 older adults... Continue reading

Blog Post - Opening Image How to compare tub shower combo kits | Innovate Building Solutions #Bathtub #ShowerToTubConversion #TubShowerCombo

How to Compare Tub Shower Combo Kits

You never knew replacing your existing stained or cracked, one piece fiberglass tub shower combo was going to be such a pain. While you know your kids and/or partner didn’t give it a lot of T.L.C., you didn’t think it would look this bad in this short a time. And now that you’re finally upgrading... Continue reading

Blog Post - Opening image pros cons built in fold down moveable shower seats chairs | Innovate Building Solutions #FoldDownShowerChairs #ShowerChairs #BuiltInShowerSeats

The Pros and Cons of Built In, Fold Down and Moveable Shower Seats or Chairs

So, you’ve come to accept the fact your spouse IS NOT as steady on their feet (especially in the shower) as they used to be (even though they won’t admit it). Or your wife has been complaining shaving her legs while bending over in the shower, IS NOT getting any easier. Or you just want the ability... Continue reading

Blog Post - Opening image 10 smart design factors walk in shower pan | Innovate Building Solutions #ShowerPan #ShowerRemodel #ShowerBase

10 Smart Design Factors You Need to Know to NOT Screw Up Buying a Walk in Shower Pan

So, you’ve been researching walk in shower pans. You thought it was going to be simple figuring out a base for your new home or remodeling project but boy, oh boy, were you wrong! You’ve seen so many options, your head is swimming. Here’s just a few things which are blowing your mind. You’ve not... Continue reading

Blog Post Opening Image - How to Choose Best Alcove Shower Kit | Innovate Building Solutions #AlcoveShower #ShowerRemodel #ShowerKit

How to Choose the Best Shower Alcove Kit

Remodeling your bathroom IS NOT something you do every day. And whether you’re looking to pull out your tub and replace it with a shower or looking to remove your yellowed and stained one-piece shower surround and upgrade with a new system – you’ll learn quickly the options are overwhelming. The question... Continue reading

Blog Image - Open image - 9 smart shower remodeling | Innovate Building Solutions #Shower #Remodel #BathroomRemodel

9 Smart Shower Remodeling Trends You’ll IGNORE AT YOUR OWN RISK (especially if you DON’T have an unlimited budget)!

Is your shower a disaster? Is it ugly, yellowed, stained, and scratched? Or worse, is it a breeding ground for mold and mildew? Does it (literally) bring you to your hands and knees with your ‘favorite’ (sarcasm intended) scrub brush in tow? OK, if this describes your world and you’re looking to remodel... Continue reading

Pinterest How to compare low profile ramped zero threshold shower | Innovate Building Solutions | #LowProfile #ShowerBase #ThresholdShowerBase

How to Compare a Low Profile vs. a Ramped vs. a Zero Threshold Shower Pan

If you need a safer shower pan in your bathroom remodel or new home and don’t have a clue which option is best for you, I can tell you you’re not alone. You see I’ve worked with thousands of people who want to ‘age in place’ or their mobility is not as good as they’d like it to be. They want a shower... Continue reading

Pinterest image 9 smart alternative shower walls to ceramic tile laminate | Innovate Building Solutions | #Showerbase #ShowerWallpanels #bathroomRemodel #TileShower

9 Smart Alternatives to a Ceramic Tile Shower Which Won’t Make You Say…. YUCK!

I know many of you are frustrated with your ceramic tile showers. You’re DESPERATELY seeking alternatives. You’ve ‘had it up to here’ (as my Mom used to say when she was mad at us) with moldy, dirty, hard-to-clean tile grout joints. However, even though you hate your tile shower, you’re NOT OK replacing... Continue reading