News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block

Tag: shower enclosure

5 non-sexy tips to make sure your shower enclosure won’t fail

  Updated March 9, 2019 Maybe I’ve been in the bathroom remodeling business too long but I actually think shower enclosures can be sexy. I might have looked into a few too many multi-functioning spa-shower heads, sleek deluxe wall panels and even drains with LED lights and my brain has gotten... Continue reading

Pros and Cons of a Walk in Shower

The Pros and Cons of a Walk in Shower – The Untold Story

Updated January 26, 2019 The walk in shower – are you a fan or a foe? Who knew a type of shower could be such a hotly debated topic, but I’ve seen people struggle big-time on the merits of whether to use a door or doorless shower design. Unfortunately- like most things in life – there is no one right... Continue reading

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