How to Design an Industrial Chic Bathroom (Even if You Don’t Live in an Old Building)

Whether you’re a first-time home, loft or condo buyer or are a ‘slightly graying’ 50+, empty nester (although you don’t admit being a day over 39) looking to enjoy the kid-free chapter of your life, there’s something cool about Industrial Chic design.
Maybe it’s the mix of old and new.
Maybe it’s the utility of an efficient design with the warmth of comfortable elements.
Maybe it’s the connection to organic materials like wood, steel, concrete, glass and exposed bricks proudly displayed on the inside.
It’s obvious reading architectural and design magazines this style is getting HOT, HOT, HOT! It’s being used by major developers doing ‘adaptive re-use’ projects (in layman’s/laywoman’s terms this is converting old commercial and industrial spaces into contemporary residential units). It’s being used by homeowner’s remodeling trendy urban lofts. Even those in the ‘burbs are looking to infuse this urban-downtown vibe into their family-friendly bedroom communities.
The question is if you love this look, is it possible to bring it alive in your bathroom remodel or new home even if you’re not moving into a downtown loft with 12’ ceilings, exposed concrete walls, or turn-of-the-century wood floors?
This article will show you 7 practical ideas to infuse your new or remodeled bathroom with industrial chic design – no matter if you’re a Millennial buyer decorating your first home in the suburbs or are a multi-family developer building new apartments or condos, or an empty nester moving into the heart of the city.
Let’s check out these 7 ideas.
Idea #1 – Keep it open with fun lighting and large windows
Industrial chic spaces are open, airy and use lighting and windows to bring a rustic or industrial feel to a space. Consider diverse products from Edison lightbulbs to large metal framed windows reminiscent of industrial factories (but with the today’s energy efficiency standards so you won’t freeze your butt off in the winter!).

Whatever you do with your lighting, DO NOT stand for boring, if industrial chic is your vibe!
Idea #2 – Create a concrete wall even if you don’t have the room (or budget) for actual concrete
Wouldn’t it be fun to have the ‘urban grittiness’ of a concrete feature wall in your suburban home? The question is how to make that happen in your standard 5’ x 8’ bathroom in the burbs?
Here’s a Ripley’s Believe it or Not idea for you. How about a wall which looks like concrete, but cleans up as easy as easy as a laminate counter? Sound impossible? Well, it’s not IF you use laminated bathroom wall panels. These 2’ x 8’ panels click, lock and seal together to create a cracked concrete bathroom wall with ZERO (yes you heard that right, ZERO) actual concrete. And these panels install by simply attaching them to your studs.
You’ll get a concrete-like wall without the cost or maintenance.
Idea #3 – Have fun ‘naturally’ with your countertops
When it comes to countertops, you’ll have your choice of unique industrial chic designs to stand out from the crowd.
If grit is your thing, durable, back to nature concrete countertops will give you a fun and rugged look.
If you want style and sophistication, while keeping an eye on making responsible choices for the planet, recycled glass countertops will have everyone oohing and aahing.

If you really want to make a statement a cast glass countertop (especially one which is backlight) will create a point of interest which cannot be ignored.
Idea #4 – Shower with style and ease. The one level wet room brought to your industrial chic bathroom
Sure, you wish you were as nimble as you were in your 20’s, but you know that’s not the case. You want your bathroom and shower style to feel young, hip and urban – but you’ve also got to be practical. You need to design the space to work safely even on those days you REALLY FEEL your age. Here’s the solution.
Use a one level shower floor. They’re a breeze to get into (without needing to step over a shower curb) and can include ultra-stylish, fun and functional options like linear drains.
This goes to prove you can ‘live a little’ and live safer at the same time.
Idea #5 – Hang it, don’t floor it with your vanities and toilets
You want a contemporary look. You don’t want cleaning hassles. Cleaning around the edges of your toilets and vanities is not a place you want to spend your limited time – ever!
It’s for this reason hanging (with wall hung vanities or toilets), is smarter than putting up with ‘old-school’ cabinets and toilets sitting on your floor.

Industrial chic design embraces simplicity. You’ll not only get a sleeker, simpler design, but you’ll also eliminate cleaning the nasty nooks and crannies around your floor based toilet or vanity. Go with the minimalistic simplicity of a wall mounted vanity cabinet or toilet.
Idea #6 – Keep it bright, fun and open with decorative glass enclosures
An industrial chic bathroom is no place for run of the mill shower doors. You need to choose a style which is made as distinctive as you – while maintaining your privacy.
Perhaps you’ll want the modernistic look of an industrial style glass block wall.
Maybe you’ll want a decorative – yet private – custom glass wall.

Or the openness of a glass shower screen will be what the doctor ordered.
Just like there is no two people alike, experiment with whatever organic glass wall works for you.
Idea #7 – Embrace the weird, embrace the quirky
The longer you live, the more you know life is made to be lived out loud. Industrial chic design is perfect to embrace your quirkiness and create a fun space. Add personality to your bathroom – even if only you and your partner will see it. Who cares if others think it’s wacky?
Throw in a fun sign. Add an oddball piece of art. Design like there’s no tomorrow and no one judging you.
So now that you’ve read these 7 ideas for an industrial chic bathroom are you ready to use this design style on your project? What ideas would you add to this list?
Please comment or call the numbers below to get ideas to transform your boring bathroom into something stylish today.
For more information about industrial chic waterproof wall panels or fun products like glass countertops, one level wet rooms, shower screens or wall hung vanities for nationwide supply contact Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888 or in Columbus The Bath Doctor at 614-252-7294. For a local remodeling project call Cleveland Design and Remodeling at 216-658-1270.
If you’re a remodeler or builder and want practical advice on remodeling products, industry trends, marketing and sales tips to grow your business (and cut day to day hassles), start reading my newest blog – Innovate Builders Blog. It’s packed with ideas you can use now. Click here to Sign Up for the Innovate Builders Blog.
If you want more advice (or like wacky humor) follow me on Twitter @Mike_Foti or my companies @InnovateBuild or @InnovateHomeOrg or connect on LinkedIn @MikeFotiLinkedIn.