News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
News from the Block, Innovate Building Solutions Blog
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block

Category: Shower and Bathtub Wall Panels

The options in shower wall panels can seem endless – laminate wall panels, solid surface, acrylic and PVC composite to name a few. In these posts learn how to compare and contrast popular system, which are simplest to install and how much you can expect to spend.

Blog Post - Opening image - The 13 biggest bathroom remodeling mistakes | Innovate Building Solutions #BathroomRemodeling #ShowerRemodel #WaterproofLaminateWallPanels

The 13 Biggest Bathroom Remodeling Mistakes (and how to avoid them AND not break the bank)

Bathroom remodeling IS NOT something you do every day (or hopefully every year or two either). So, when you’ve finally had it (AND convinced your penny-pinching spouse enough is enough) and are ready to redo your bathroom, the last thing you want to do is make costly mistakes. However, the problem... Continue reading

Blog Post - Opening image 2023 Kitchen and Bath Industry Show Recap Hot Bathroom Products | Innovate Building Solutions #KitchenAndBathIndustry #KitchenAndBathShow #HotBathroomProducts

The 2023 Kitchen & Bath Industry Show (KBIS) Recap- What’s Hot & What’s Not in Bathroom Products

I’m on plane (delayed again – the airline industry is a DI-SAS-TER these days!) trying to come back from my trip to KBIS (the Kitchen & Bath Industry Show) in Las Vegas. And in the middle of this crazy airport, I’m reflecting on what I learned and saw at this 3 day event attended by over 200,000... Continue reading

Blog Post - Opening image 10 Ideas Accessible Shower Bath Remodel | Innovate Building Solutions #AccessibleShower #BathRemodel #ShowerRemodel

10 Little Known Ideas to Take the UGLY (and institutional) Out of an Accessible Shower and Bathroom

Nobody – and I mean nobody – wants to have their personal bathroom remind them of a hospital room! But when people think about an accessible shower or an accessible (or age in place) bathroom they get visions, not of sugarplums, but of hospital grab bars, ramps and ugly plasticky white showers dancing... Continue reading

Blog Post - Opening image 17 money saving bathroom remodeling ideas to curb inflation | Innovate Building Solutions #BathroomRemodel #ShowerRemodel #CustomBathroomRemodel

17 Money Savings Ideas to Stop Inflation from Blowing Up Your Bathroom or Shower Remodeling Project

Are you SICK of hearing about ‘supply chain issues’ and ‘inflation?’ These are hot buttons not only for homeowners, but company owners as well. However, it’s comforting to know EVERY POLITICIAN looking to be elected is promising they have just the right formula to get rid of this problem (and if you... Continue reading

Blog Post - Opening image How to Find Custom Shower Replacement Kit | Innovate Building Solutions #ShowerKit #ShowerReplacementKit #ShowerRemodel

How to Find a High-Quality Custom Shower Replacement Kit…. which doesn’t cost an arm and a leg

If you’re the (unfortunate) owner of a tired, old, moldy, custom tile shower which desperately needs to be replaced and you’re struggling to find the right shower products for the job, you’re not alone! Custom shower products can be pain in the rear to buy if…. You DO NOT have an unlimited budget   You... Continue reading

Blog Post - Opening image 15 little known shower remodeling products laminate wall panels | Innovate Building Solutions #BathroomRemodel #ShowerRemodel #BathroomRemodelingProducts

15 Little-Known Shower Remodeling Products to Add Function AND Fashion

I have to laugh because when you look up articles on the Internet about ‘shower remodeling products,’ you basically get a selection of writings about quirky ‘shower gadgets.’ And while it’d be nice to have a wine glass holder in the shower, or shower-friendly notepad or even a shower curtain you can... Continue reading

Blog Post - Opening Image How to compare tub shower combo kits | Innovate Building Solutions #Bathtub #ShowerToTubConversion #TubShowerCombo

How to Compare Tub Shower Combo Kits

You never knew replacing your existing stained or cracked, one piece fiberglass tub shower combo was going to be such a pain. While you know your kids and/or partner didn’t give it a lot of T.L.C., you didn’t think it would look this bad in this short a time. And now that you’re finally upgrading... Continue reading

Blog Post - Opening image - 13 common bathtub remodeling mistakes you don't want to make | Innovate Building Solutions #Bathtub #BathtubRemodel #BathroomRemodel

13 Common Bathtub Remodeling Mistakes You DO NOT Want to Make

If you’ve decided to replace your existing tub in your bathroom remodel and you’re already getting overwhelmed with too many choices, raise your hand. It can be hard to wrap your arms arounds questions like the following: Should I choose an alcove tub, a freestanding tub, or a drop in bathtub? How... Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of a Freestanding Soaking Tub vs. an Alcove Bathtub | Cleveland Ohio bathroom remodeling | home improvement design | Design ideas

The Pros and Cons of a Freestanding Soaking Tub vs. an Alcove Bathtub

Why do bathroom remodeling projects (and products) have to be so doggone complicated? If you’re remodeling, you may be struggling attempting to figure out the following: Should I choose a shower or bathtub? Or better yet, can I fit both? If I decide to use a tub – is it better to select a freestanding... Continue reading

The Easiest Way to Remodel Your Shower | Cleveland Ohio | Bathroom Remodel in Cleveland ohio | Akron Bathroom designs | DIY bathroom remodel

The Easiest Way to Remodel Your Shower

You’ve heard about shower remodeling projects which have become a cesspool of wasted money and taken f-o-r-e-v-e-r to finish. You’ve read about shower design mistakes people have had to put up with for years to come. And perhaps you’ve experienced a shower base, shower wall or exploding glass shower... Continue reading