7 things you can do to add inspiration, color and “personopoly” to your shower

Updated March 17, 2019
B.K. (before kids), I dreamed of owning a fire-engine red 2- seater convertible Mercedes sportscar. I can see myself speeding down the highway with my wife Rose without a care in the world (hey – this guy in the picture below even looks a bit like me!).

Oops – I just woke up!
I came close to achieving this cool sportscar goal when I was 29 years old (before our 3 kids showed up on the scene) and owned a candy apple red small BMW 318i. I enjoyed the color and style of a eye-popping car (within my more limited budget than the 2-seater Mercedes) before setting into my practical “SUV” life. Now, I have room to cart the kids around and boxes for work.
You may be asking, “Mike, what does fire-engine red 2-seater Mercedes and cool cars have to do with inspirational showers?” Well – I’ll tell you. The longer I go in life (Rose and I are actually getting closer to being “empty nesters” in a few years) I realize life should be lived out loud. Life should be inspirational and aspirational. It needs to be enjoyed – whether we’re taking a fun trip with friends and family, riding in an over-the-top sports car, or getting a cool shower which we absolutely love (without giving a hoot about resale).
A fun way to create inspiration in your bathroom is to add unexpected pops of color in your shower which capture your style and personality. My Dad coined the term “personopoly” for this. It is your monopoly on personality (there is only one you – so why not express it?). The heck with resale. The heck with what everyone else is doing. You’re going “Burger King” on the world. You’re going to “have it your way!”
In this article I’m going to outline 7 ideas to add inspiration – through color – into your shower design. You’ll not only be able to show your “personopoly” – you’ll enjoy a vibrant shower which is all about you.
At the end let me know which of these bold ideas you’re all over – and if any of them are “too out there” for you.
Colorful shower idea #1 – High gloss shower wall panels to rock your world
Perhaps you’re leaving suburbia since your kids have left the nest. You’re entering a new phase in life moving into a downtown eclectic suburban neighborhood loft. Exposed brick, high ceilings and fun art galleries and eateries outside your doorstep. The last thing you want is the boring beige tile shower you had for the last 30 years in your suburban home. Here’s a fun idea – high gloss shower wall panels.
High gloss panels are life lived out loud. Colors like powder blue atoll, red rouge (which is not only for lipstick) or titan (a fun silvery gray color) create an impact – even in a tiny shower. The other cool benefit – throw away your tile shower grout scrub brush and never look back again!
Colorful shower idea #2 – Even boring safety grab bars can be fun
When you think of a grab bar what’s the first word(s) which come to mind? For me it’s hospital and grandma. While most of us love grandma – we’re not exactly looking for either a shower (or perfume) which resembles her! This is where fun grab bars come in. If your mobility and stability isn’t what you’d like, there’s no reason you can’t have a fun look (as amazing at that sounds) with a grab bar. This is just one selection from the line of a company called Great Grabz which proves colorful inspirational style can occur in unexpected places like the shower.
Colorful shower idea #3 – Colored glass enclosure panels
Why is every glass enclosure in the world seem boring and colorless? Yes, I know, they are cheaper, but they don’t add much style to a room. This light blue colored glass creates a soothing feel inside your spa shower. Whether you want a walk-in shower, or a fully enclosed unit with a sliding or pivoting door – your shower will be unique with colored glass panels.
Colorful shower idea #4 – Colored glass shower windows for a peaceful, reflective space
Isn’t it peaceful in a chapel or historic church? You can reflect on the beauty of life as you experience the soft colors through a stained-glass window.
If you love the warmth and reflective nature of colored glass in church – why not add this to your shower windows? Here’s 3 fun options:
- Awning style glass window – This window is decorative and functional. Love the look in this traditional home
- Sliding stained glass window – This is so cool. The window slides on hinges (like a barn door) and gives you privacy.
- Random patterned colored glass block window – This choice can complement the fun geometric tile patterns popular in bath remodeling today. With 51 glass block colors and multiple styles your design will be one of a kind.
Colorful shower idea #5– Using lighting from the showerhead for inspiration
I’m sure my Dad never thought a shower head would do more than shoot out water. Today, shower heads can play music and be equipped with LED lighting. What an inventive way to set a romantic or relaxing mood. If you don’t want lighting in your shower head, overhead fixtures can set push this mood into the bathroom through the glass shower walls.
Colorful shower idea #6 – Color which flows from the shower into the bathroom floor
Why not let your color spill out between spaces? Using a ready for tile shower base or a one level shower system you can create a tile floor which is waterproof and lets color flow from your shower onto your bathroom floor in one continuous display of your “personopoly.”
In the case of a one level wet room system you’ll also like knowing your bathroom floor is waterproof also.
Colorful shower idea 7 – Using colored glass block building blocks
I remember as a kid loving to build with Lego blocks. Many adults (and kids alike) are reliving these times in California’s Legoland every day. There is no reason to limit your colorful “Legos” to the kids play areas anymore. Glass blocks now come in fun vibrant (and muted) colors to add style and drama to your bathroom. Create graceful curved glass block shower walls, step down designs or mix up the sizes for a random look (no single sheet of glass can be designed this way).
While I still don’t have my 2-seater Mercedes, I have not given up the dream (maybe, just maybe, I’ll get this car (A.K. – after kids) when Rose and I start living the empty nester lifestyle.
Do you dream about a shower which embraces your uniqueness and colors you like? What are you waiting for? Get busy designing this shower today and start living your life out loud!
Can I (or a member of my team) help you?
For assistance with colored high gloss acrylic wall panels, color glass block shower windows or walls or a waterproof one level bathroom system, contact Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888. For a shower remodeling project in Northeast Ohio call Cleveland Design and Remodeling at 216-658-1270 or The Bath Doctor in Columbus at 614-252-3242.
If you’re a remodeler or builder and want practical advice on remodeling products, industry trends, marketing and sales tips to grow your business (and cut day to day hassles), start reading my newest blog – Innovate Builders Blog. It’s packed with ideas you can use now. Click here to Sign Up for the Innovate Builders Blog.
If you’re in the building business, click here if you’d like to learn how to become a shower wall panel dealer or call and ask for Mike at 877-668-5888.
Mike Foti
Ravinder – we’re glad you like these shower designs. We are excited to see how we can help you. Mike
Mike Foti
Beth – you are completely correct about this. In the old days you had ugly grab bars – today – it’s possible to have cool looking products which still provide safe showers and tubs. – Mike
Great ideas! We’re big fans of doing something more decorative with grab bars – safety doesn’t have to mean boring!
Ravinder Singh
These designs are awesome!! We are looking to remodel our bathrooms. Would like to get estimate please.