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Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block
Bathroom, Kitchen, Basement Design & Remodeling Ideas for the Nicest Home or Business on the Block

How to Make a Barrier Free Shower NOT Look Institutional or be a Pain To Maintain

Opening Image - How to Make a Barrier Free Shower NOT Look Institutional - Innovate Building Solutions, Barrier Free Shower Design, Shower Renovation Projects, Shower Remodeling Concepts, Walk In Shower Designs

If you’ve been shopping for an accessible, ADA, roll in, or barrier free shower, by now I’ll bet a ‘dollar to donuts’ (yes, that’s a weird saying I know) you’re used to seeing pictures of boring, white plastic shower systems. YUCK!

And while these institutional-looking white systems will ‘work’ (and function as a barrier free shower), they don’t exactly conjure images of a luxury bathroom at a Ritz Carlton hotel!

And even if you NEED a safe, barrier free shower, that doesn’t mean you want to settle for one which looks straight out of General Hospital…without the drama.  

But you may be wondering in this ‘sea’ of white, institutional, plastic barrier free showers how you can get one which’ll score high for looks, not drain your wallet of every last penny you have and be safe. And if this is your dilemma read the 9 tips below for a barrier free shower which’ll actually give you a lux look at a reasonable price.

Tip #1 – Use stylish wall panels – or if your budget is bigger (and you’re OK with more maintenance), install tile

While you can create virtually any design in barrier free tile shower, it’s expensive and costly to maintain. A surprising option to consider – which’ll save significant labor expenses are 3/8” thick grout free laminate wall panels. They’ll have you saying I Can’t Believe it’s NOT Tile! With these panels you can get stack bond or running bond tile looks – or even the look of stone or wood tiles.

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Click here to request free samples of our Laminated Waterproof Shower Wall Panels.

Tip 1 tile look laminate shower wall panels brick pattern - Innovate Building Solutions, Alternatives To Tile, Bathroom Shower Wall Panels, DIY Shower Concepts, Walk In Shower Wall Panels

Tip #2 – Ditch the shower curtain and use a thick frameless glass shower door or even a grid style door

Shower curtains are not only dirt and grim magnets, but they also block the view of your stylish shower wall surrounds, cool niches, and shower fixtures. And they’ll also make your barrier free shower darker (and therefore, more dangerous). So, you may be thinking of a shower door instead.

And while options in shower doors can be overwhelming (and if you want to simplify buying a shower door read How to Choose a Glass Shower Door), what many people don’t realize is it IS possible to design a walk-in, or fully enclosed barrier free shower – and add warmth and style to your shower in the process.

Tip 2 glass shower door for a barrier free shower - Innovate Building Solutions, Shower Replacement Kits, Glass Shower Doors, Bathroom Shower Panels, Tile Alternative Options

One smart option for a barrier free shower (which can even work if a loved one needs the help of a caregiver) is to use a shower screen. It’ll give you 36” to enter if you’re doing a tub to shower conversion in a 60” wide space. And for a walk in shower – it’s pivoting door does a nice job keeping the water in. Or if you want a bolder look – the matte black grid style bypass doors are a hot look.

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Step Up Your Bathroom by Stepping Down Your Shower Pan!

Tip 2 matte black grid shower screen barrier free shower - Innovate Building Solutions, Cleveland Ohio Shower Projects, Walk In Shower Barriers, Bathroom Shower Remodels, Beautiful Bathroom Redesign

Tip #3 – Choose your hardware wisely to add style AND ease of maintenance 

If you’re staring at pitted polished brass doorknobs and shower head which WERE the pinnacle of bathroom fashion when mullets were popular – they’d be telling you (if they could speak) it’s time for a bathroom upgrade (whether it’s barrier free or not).

So, to add modern pizzazz (and reduce maintenance since these patterns don’t show spotting like their polished hardware brothers) is to choose matte black, brushed nickel, or brushed brass hardware.

Since hardware is the ‘jewelry’ of your stylish barrier free shower you’ll ignore it at your own risk.

And to also make your barrier free shower simpler to use for someone in a wheelchair (and/or to make it simpler to clean your dog) a hand-held shower with a diverter valve is smart.

Tip 3 shower head with a diverter credit - Innovate Building Solutions, Bathroom Remodeling Needs, Stylish Shower Design, Bathroom Shower Accessories, Shower Wall Panels
Image Credits:

Tip #4 – Make your shower drain a stylish and better-flowing feature of your barrier shower, and NOT an eyesore!

If you’re used to cussing your shower drain (which is stopped up again and looks oh-so-ugly!) you need to learn two things:

  • Your shower drain is an inanimate object and won’t respond to your gripes and
  • And the right shower drain can actually stop you from standing in a pool of water AND look stylish (yes, that’s a Ripley’s Believe it Or Not claim)

And here’s the secret to make your shower drain asset vs. a liability. It’s to use a linear drain. It’ll increase water flow and minimize the drain getting clogged. You can also add decorative drain plates (or even get a disappearing drain with tiles set into the plate). And since a linear drain is located towards an edge of the shower pan, you won’t have the discomfort of standing on the drain.

Tip 4 linear drain one level wet room - Innovate Building Solutions, Barrier Free Shower Designs, Dream Bathroom Showers, Modern Shower Designs, DIY Walk In Shower Remodel

Tip #5 – Use the one level wet room floor the Europeans have embraced for years.

If you visit a home in Europe this shower and bathroom floor design is as common (or ubiquitous if I’m to throw in a fancy word so you’ll think I’m smart) as a Starbucks or McDonalds in your town.

And that’s a one level wet room.

And if you don’t know what wet rooms are they’re a waterproof seamless bathroom and shower floor where the low spot in the floor is where the shower drain is but there’s no barrier between the shower or bathroom floor.

Wet rooms are not only wonderful for roll in or roll through showers, but they have a sleek vibe which is also popular in high-end hotels to use for all bathrooms – not just for ‘handicap accessible’ rooms.

Tip 5 roll in shower white marble wall panels credit JTEK Solutions - Innovate Building Solutions, Bathroom Shower Concepts, Accessible Shower Designs, Modern Bathroom Showers, Roll In Shower Products
Image Credits: JTEK Solutions

And a wet room beats the pants off the look of a fiberglass handicap ramped barrier free shower pan which has as much style sense as U.S. Senator John Fetterman at a news conference (which, you have to admit, is a bit lacking, whether you like his politics or not).

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Step Up Your Bathroom by Stepping Down Your Shower Pan!

Tip 5 John Fetterman at a news conference dressed in shorts and a hoodie - Innovate Building Solutions, Modern Shower Pans, Stylish Barrier Free Showers, Modern Bathroom Shower Needs, Shower Pans And Wall Panels

Tip #6 – Elevate your lighting game.

Unfortunately, as we age – our eyesight doesn’t age like a fine bottle of wine. We need more lighting. However, showers with curtains, bathrooms with no windows – or blinds over the windows for privacy, don’t help your shower feel bright and open. And that’s not even including the negative effect on bathroom safety in a dark space.

Tip 6 glass block bathroom window smokey blue stacked subway wall panels - Innovate Building Solutions, Cleveland Ohio Shower Redesigns, Glass Block Shower Windows, Modern Bathroom Designs, Bathroom Shower Concepts

This is where adding a skylight, a clear glass shower door (or an obscure glass door if you want privacy), a glass block bathroom window, or even LED lighting tucked inside a recessed niche can be a way to elevate a barrier free shower.

Tip 6 mist obscure glass shower door bypass with brushed nickel finish - Innovate Building Solutions, Glass Shower Doors, Walk In Shower Products, Beautiful Bathroom Concepts, Bathroom Shower Improvements

Tip #7 – Add seating without it gobbling precious space.

I don’t know about you, but I cringe when I see geriatric shower chairs sitting inside white plastic, institutional looking barrier free showers. Nothing says UGLY or AN OLD PERSON LIVES HERE so well!

And even though fixed bench seats can look stylish (initially) in a tile shower – they’re often a source of leaks and a pain to clean.

A better option are stylish fold down seats. Put them down when they’re needed (for shaving your legs of if you need to shower in a seated position) and put them up for those who want a roomier shower.

Tip 7 weather teak fold down shower seat with vertical niche - Innovate Building Solutions, Walk In Shower Accessories, Bathroom Remodeling Project Needs, Fold Down Shower Seats, Modern Accessible Shower Design

Tip #8 – Take advantage of the ‘design riches’ in recessed niches.

It’s amazing how many times storage is forgotten in a shower design. Then owners end up putting their shampoo bottles on the shower floor – creating an ‘accident waiting to happen.’ Or in desperation they go to the Dollar Store and buy a hideous plastic shower caddy to hang over the shower head.

However, this shower caddy ‘solution’ doesn’t do their mobility challenged family member any good whatsoever (who might not be able to reach the plastic caddy hanging over the shower head), not to mention they get valuable ‘style points’ taken away for including such an ugly ‘shower appendage!’

So, how can you lick (ok, not literally…. YUCK!) the shower storage dilemma AND add a cool feature to your barrier free shower at the same time? It’s to add a recessed niche. You can get low maintenance stainless steel niches in a vertical or horizontal orientation in 7 sizes and 10 finishes.

Ultimate Shower Accessory Guide

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Making the most out of your bathroom remodel

Tip 8 horizontal matte black recessed niche in wall panels - Innovate Building Solutions, DIY Shower Accessories, Bathroom Shower Niche, Walk In Shower Remodeling, Wall Panels and Accessories

Tip #9 – Reimagine your grab bars as an asset, not a ‘style liability’ of your barrier free shower.

In many cases, a zero threshold (AKA a barrier free) shower is needed because you have a family member with mobility challenges. And mobility challenged showers are joined at the hip with the need for grab bars (which are usually the style-zapping and element of a shower which are about as welcomed in a shower as a trip to the medical supply store or your dentist (sorry to say that Dr. Marsh!).

However, I’m here to deliver the good news to you. This DOES NOT have to be the case. In today’s world you can get decorative grab bars (like you’ll see below) or even grab shelves (which do double duty as a grab bar and a storage shelf).

Tip 9 decorative chrome grab bar with modern cracked cement wall panels - Innovate Building Solutions, Cleveland Ohio Shower Remodels, Walk In Shower Accessories, Stylish Barrier Free Shower, Bathroom Shower Modern Designs

Don’t settle for a truck-stop or ‘hospital-inspired’ (sarcasm intended) grab bar any longer!

How can we help you with a stylish (non-institutional) barrier free shower?

I hope this article has made you see a barrier free shower CAN be stylish IF you know the right products and systems to make it happen (and can find a progressive contractor willing to build your accessible shower).

To learn more about products, installation methods, or even qualified contractors to install a barrier free shower nationwide, call a Shower Specialist at Innovate Building Solutions at 877-668-5888 or click for a Free Design Consultation. And for a Cleveland barrier free shower contractor call 216-531-6085.

Thanks for reading and putting up with my wacky personality along the way.



Mike Foti

President of Innovate Building Solutions a nationwide supplier and regional (Cleveland and Columbus) remodeling contractors. Some of our product lines include glass counters, floors, backsplashes, glass blocks and grout free shower and tub wall panels

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