How to Choose the Best Shower Wall Panels – 11 Questions You Need to Ask

My business has been wholesaling and installing shower wall panels for a looooong time. And I wish I could tell you it’s easier choosing grout free shower panels today than it was when we got into this market 20 years ago, but if I did, I’d be lying!
And while it’s not simpler to make the best choice, your options are far better (that’s IF you don’t get too confused). And you may be asking, “Mike, why do you say that?”
Well, for one quality is vastly improved from the ‘old days.’ And secondly the number of options is EXPLODING every year!
And while options are growing, this can be confusing, and make selections even harder. So, you may be wondering how can I ‘sift through the rubble’ of this plethora (fancy word I threw in to make you think I’m smart…is it working?) of choices and figure out what’s best for me (especially if I HATE, HATE, HATE the maintenance associated with tile)?
The best way to do this is to ask the following 11 questions when your narrowing down your list (and/or call a shower design specialist for advice). Let’s look at the 11 questions.
Question #1 – Does this shower panel system fit my budget?
Unless you’re independently wealthy (or just learned you actually ARE a distant relative of Elon Musk or Bill Gates AND they’ve included you in their will!), the price of shower surround panels DOES matter. You want, and need, a good value for your money.
And I’ll tell you even for a ‘standard’ shower wall surround (the most common size is 60” x 32” which is used in a lot of bathtub to shower conversions) material prices range from $200 to $6,000 (although most options aren’t at either side of these poles).
And when you do get pricing for a shower surround system I’d caution you to make sure ‘everything’ is included in the kit – including sealants and trim profiles.
Also look at the height, width, and thickness of these panels to see if they’ll work for your space… and your budget.
Question #2 – Does this shower panel system look real?
In general, the cheaper the panels, the more fake they look. At the bottom of the ‘realism’ barrel, you’ll find F.R.P. (Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic), fiberglass, and acrylic. They’re stamped out of a mold and look it.
In the middle of the market – you’ll find materials – while they’re solid, don’t look realistic. I’d put solid surface and cultured marble panels in this category.
And in the middle of the market – you WILL find panels which not only look real – but won’t cost an arm and a leg. Laminate wall panels and digitally printed PVC panels fit into this category.
And, lastly, at the high end of the market -you will get realism (with actual stone panels) but you’re going to pay ‘out the butt’ for them.
Question #3 – What’s the thickness and weight of the panels?
Thin, flimsy wall panels (FRP, fiberglass, and acrylic are some examples) can look OK once they’re glued onto your shower walls. However, they’re prone to cracking.
And heavy wall panels (cultured marble, solid surface, and cultured granite wall panels come to mind here) can be a bear to install.
So, is there an ‘optimal’ wall panel system when it comes to thickness and weight?
I like wall panels which are rigid, but not heavy. One choice is laminate wall panels. They’re 3/8” thick, 23.6” wide, and 94.4” tall and only weigh 26 lbs. Of course, the drawback to this product is you’ll need to click and lock panels together.
In reality when you look at thickness and weight you’re balancing two goals against each other. Thicker (generally) is better, but it’ll (normally) weigh more. It’s a tradeoff you’ll want to get your arms around (especially if YOU’RE the one installing the job). If not – the weight of the panels are more of a concern for the installation crew (or the management team paying the crew’s workmen’s comp back claims) than it is for you.
To learn more read, Does thickness matter in shower wall panels?
Question #4 – Can the shower wall surround system be customized?
In a perfect world you’d have a ‘standard size’ and could pick any system. However, in the real world (especially if you own a This Old House type house) you know ‘standard’ may NOT describe your shower OR tub system.
And if this is you – AND you’ve ‘struck out’ shopping a big box stores looking for wall surround which fits your space, you know you’ll need a different solution if your shower isn’t of the ‘plain-Jane’ (sorry to all you ‘Jane’s’ out there!) variety.
This is where ‘high-production’ standard shower wall panels (like fiberglass for example), won’t be your solution.
When it comes to custom wall panel systems the most popular ones are cultured granite shower panels and laminate wall panels. Cultured granite panels are made to size (although when they get big, they’ll be back-breakers to install). However, with laminate wall panels you can take the 26 lb. 2’ x 8’ panels and simply click and lock as many together as you need to make a custom size.
Question #5 – Can shower accessories be added (where you want/need them) to your shower wall panels?
I’ll admit I’m NOT a fan of pre-molded shower wall surrounds with shelving and bench seats manufactured into them. Why, you might ask?
Well for one those pre-molded shelves are a P.I.A.! My wife and I still have a fiberglass one piece surround in our hall bathroom and I’m constantly (even though I’m not that big a guy) banging the shampoo bottles which are hanging on by a thread on the pre-molded (built-in) shelves with my elbow. Then they ‘PLOP’ onto the bottom of the shower pan. These molded panels are often poorly designed and don’t fit what you need.
Then when it comes to seating, shower walls or pans with bench seats built into them SOUND like a good idea until you live with how little room you have to stand in the shower.
It’s for this reason, I’d recommend ANY wall panel system where you can custom locate your recessed niches, corner shelves, or fold down seats. Custom placement saves space, increases storage, and won’t cause you to be bending over picking up shampoo bottles any longer! Plus, you can choose the accessories you like best.
Question #6 – Will your shower wall panels reach the ceiling? Should they reach the ceiling?
One of the ‘tricks’ ecommerce companies use to lure you with cheap shower wall panel prices is they sell short wall surrounds. For example, they offer 60” tall systems for tubs and 72” tall for showers.
And while these heights are more cost-effective to ship and cheaper to make, you’ll be stuck with drywall above the surrounds which is prone to mold and needs to be repainted.
For bathrooms with an 8’ ceiling, keep your maintenance to a minimum with shower surround panels which reach the ceiling and are 8’ tall.
For bathrooms with a 9’ ceiling I DO NOT recommend the panels be run to ceiling. Learn the reasons why in this article titled – 7 Reasons We (Almost Never) Sell 9’ Shower and Bathroom Surround Panels.
Question #7 – How quickly can these shower surround panels be installed?
Whether you’re a DIY’er (who’d rather be golfing or vacationing) or hiring a professional wall panel contractor (and would love to complete your job in less time AND at less cost) – how long it takes to install the wall panels is critical.
When it comes to shower panels they’re either ‘glued, mechanically fastened, or installed ‘direct to stud.’ And while none of these 3 systems is necessarily the quickest and easiest, it’s also important to keep in mind not only how long each will take to put up, but also which ones provide you with the flexibility to add accessories later (let’s say for an age in place shower where you need grab bars or fold down seats if your body isn’t as ‘buff and agile’ as it used to be) and will stand the test of time.
Ask your wall panel supplier or wall panel installer not only how long it’ll take, but their experience with how well the system holds up.
And if you’re a DIY’er make sure there’s installation videos to answer your frequently asked questions. Here’s an example of one below.
Question #8 – Can I get my favorite shower wall panel in matte AND gloss finishes?
With the goal to have ‘spa bathrooms,’ matte finishes (whether they’re in shower hardware or bathroom wall panels) are more popular today than gloss finishes.
However, with that being said, there’s still good reasons to choose glossy wall panels, both for the visual ‘Hawaiian Punch’– (and if you don’t remember those wacky commercials, I’ve included one below!) and/or for the ability for gloss to make a darker bathroom look brighter.
When choosing shower wall panels look at the advantages and disadvantages of gloss vs. matte finishes. Learn the pros and cons of each by reading 7 Critical Questions You Need to Know Choosing Between Gloss and Matte Finish for Your Shower or Bathroom.
Question #9 – What’s the warranty?
The cheaper the product, the shorter the warranty. Don’t buy without reviewing the warranty, otherwise you may be sorry.
Question #10 (for tiny home, RV, houseboat owners or modular home builders) – Will this shower wall surround system ‘travel’ well?
Since most people own homes built on foundations, you may not be concerned if your shower surrounds (or tile showers) will ‘travel’ well.
However, if your shower is in an RV, tiny home, houseboat, or you’re a modular home manufacturer (who builds homes in a factory, then ships them to job sites), the ‘travel-ability’ (hey – it’s a new word I just made up!) of shower wall panels is essential.
The best ‘traveled’ systems are ones which are light, flexible (so they won’t crack while in movement), and stylish. My favorite is laminate wall panels. However, if you need a cheaper product acrylic, fiberglass, and PVC wall panels will fit the bill.
Question #11 – Where are the wall panels made?
While this can be a politically charged question, quality can be impacted by where (the country of origin) the shower wall panels are made.
And if you like locally made products, you’ll likely NOT be getting them when you buy the ‘cheap stuff’ through an ecommerce site.
Ask about the ‘country of origin.’ If the product is sourced off-shore, how do you feel about the quality of products and service from this country?
So, are you now comfortable choosing the best shower wall surround panels? Can our team assist with questions, or wholesale pricing?
Do you have a better handle on the best shower surround system for your project? Are there more questions (perhaps you need to know the delivered cost of these systems, for example) you need to understand to make a smart selection?
If so – contact a Shower Specialist at Innovate Building Solutions for help. Call 877-668-5888 or get a Free Design Consultation.
And if you’re a bathroom contractor, a kitchen and bath showroom, or multi-unit property owner (or buyer) looking to purchase standard or custom shower kits or stylish shower walls call me at 888-467-7488 or visit the wall panel dealership or multi-unit wall panel supply areas of our site.
And lastly if you’re looking for an Akron or Cleveland shower remodeling contractor to professionally install a shower wall panel system for you, call 216-531-6085.
Thanks for reading and learning about shower panels and how to choose the best one for your job. There’s more to this subject than meets the eye, and I hope my article has shed light on how to figure out the best one for you.